By restoring vital marine habitat, we can help Pacific salmon recover.
You’ve likely read about Pacific salmon in the news recently. Salmon are deeply connected with our culture, our connection to nature. They support our fresh water, marine and forest ecosystems, and they are critical food for eagles, orcas and bears.
But, right now, Pacific salmon populations are struggling. The reality is that about half of Pacific salmon populations are in a state of decline.
Factors linked to climate change are making it difficult for the survival of Pacific salmon, including; warming oceans, diminishing healthy habitats and declines in the availability of vital food supplies. These barriers are all linked to climate change and poor survival of young Pacific salmon.
But, it’s not all doom and gloom.
The good news is that our team is conducting research and funding community restoration projects around B.C. —many here on critical rivers and streams throughout Vancouver Island/in the salmon spawning watersheds of the North Shore to address some of the complex risk-factors contributing to serious declines of many salmon populations.