Datasets: Extended time-series of catch and escapement estimates for Skeena sockeye, pink, chum and coho salmon stocks
This provisional data file contains time-series of catch, escapement and exploitation rate estimates for Skeena sockeye, pink, chum and coho salmon CUs, stretching back to the 1950’s and 1960’s, where possible. The file also contains estimates for Chinook from the 1980’s onwards, however, data limitations preclude the calculation of meaningful estimates for Chinook for earlier time periods.
This version (“TRTC_Area04_10Oct2012+plots.xlsm”) was posted on October 30, 2012. It contains a correction to expansion factor III for the Kalum Late Chinook CU, and is otherwise identical to the previously posted version (“TRTC_Area04_10Oct2012.xlsm”).
Please also see the summary report that accompanies this data.
Note that this analysis has since been updated, and the most recent version is available here.