FRISP provides training, technical information, advice, prescriptions, project cost estimates, and support for riparian enhancement, waste management solutions, and/or restoration projects to the agricultural community and various resource stewardship groups. In addition, FRISP provides mediation services on issues arising between landowners and regulatory agencies respecting riparian damage considered to have resulted from agricultural practices. FRISP also provides assistance in the development and implementation of remediation plans. These services can also be applied to conflicts arising between neighbours, or various vested interest groups. Further, FRISP endeavours to involve participation in the joint planning of habitat restoration and agriculture land use activities between landowners, resource management agencies, and various community groups.

FRISP goals are to foster long-term environmental stewardship by restoring, maintaining and enhancing farmland riparian area.

FRISP promotes cooperation between landowners, resource management agencies, and community groups with regards to farmland riparian habitat restoration planning. FRISP promotes the adoption of Agricultural Streambank & Riparian Beneficial Management Practices. FRISP also works to resolve conflicts respecting riparian & farmland interfaces.