Coquitlam River Watershed Project – Phase III Governance and Strategy Development
Building on two previous phases involving background research, stakeholder engagement and visioning, this project involved an open dialogue with the many watershed interests about governance and models elsewhere, with the goal to developing a governance structure that would assist in providing better decision-making amongst the many stakeholders within the Coquitlam River watershed. Through a series of three public meetings, watershed participants evaluated the elements for a Terms of Reference for a new governance body, which led to drafting a basic structure Roundtable for the watershed. The Roundtable would consist of representatives from various sectors with interests in the watershed, and parallel to a previously agreed-to vision and values. A core committee would act as an executive body, with a watershed coordinator at the centre to provide a coordination role with the core committee, the Roundtable, funders and authorities. The draft structure and the proposed steps necessary to finalize in order to implement a new body will be communicated to key stakeholders. Based on the support and resources, the Coquitlam River Watershed Strategy governance body (Name TBD) would advance to a next phase of implementation of the next year.