Datasets: Review of North and Central Coast salmon indicator streams and estimating escapement, catch and run size for each salmon Conservation Unit

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Note: this analysis has since been extended to include estimates of escapement and exploitation rates back to the 1950’s. These extended datasets are available here.


Core data files and results from LGL’s analyses and two files with detailed stock-recruitment data for Nass and Babine sockeye. Please also see the summary report that accompanies this data.

The downloadable zip folder contains the following files:

  • NCCC_Streams1950-2010_30Nov11.xlsx = escapement meta data and annual estimates for each NCCC stream-species-timing POPID.
  • TRTC_SummaryTables_30Nov11.xls = annual estimates of escapement, catch, total return to Canada (TRTC), total run size and exploitation rates for each statistical area and CU (Note: The “Read Me” worksheet describes the contents for worksheets named “StaTRTC Estimates” and “CU TRTC Estimates”).
  • AgeDataSummary_29Nov2011.xlsx = contains the available raw age composition data and summary tables by statistical areas and CU.
  • BabineSockeyeSRData.xlsx = Stock-recruitment data for Babine sockeye from Steve Cox-Rogers.
  • NassSockeyeSRData.xlsx = Stock-recruitment data for Nass sockeye from Richard Alexander.