Hammersley Pump Upgrade Phase 1: Assessment and Conceptual Design
The Mountain Slough, near Agassiz, BC, has been identified as a priority slough by many different levels of government: the Ministry of Environment for its breeding colony of Oregon Spotted Frog; by DFO for the detrimental affects of the existing pumping station (Hammersley Pump); and, by the District of Kent for the inadequate pumping capacity offered by the Hammersley Pumping Station to local residents and farmers. It is an old pumping station that is in need of a substantial upgrade in the near future; however, past conflicts, distrust, and sensitivities are still very much a part of the landscape. The goal of our project was to initiate discussions and partnerships needed for an eventual upgrade of this site, so that when the time is right to pursue upgrades, the local community and stakeholders are more informed, more aware of all of the issues, more trusting of each other, and more willing to work together for a common solution. To achieve these goals, a collaborative project steering community was formed that included representation from the District of Kent (staff and councillors), Fisheries and Oceans Canada, BC Ministry of Environment, the Fraser Valley Regional Watersheds Coalition, the South Coast Conservation Program, the local drainage committee, and local residents. This group met on a number of occasions to discuss the project, the slough, issues and concerns, and how to move forward. A consultant was hired to do an initial feasibility study on flow volumes and options. These results will be presented to the committee once completed (the meeting has been rescheduled twice already and is currently planned for March 31), after which the committee will be able to identify the most preferred option for this site.