Strengthening Stewardship: People Messaging and Organization Foundations

The Stewardship Centre for BC (SCBC) is working to build capacity within individual stewardship organizations
and across the sector as a whole. Previously, SCBC led a team of consultants and advisors who designed an
eight?part framework for building capacity in BC’s environmental stewardship community. The Capacity Building
Framework provides the stewardship community with a common platform for discussing eight aspects of
capacity building. The current project (2010?2011) created tools and resources to for the eight parts of the

2010/2011 Project Objectives were:

• To collect and share new capacity building knowledge within environmental stewardship audiences

• To increase the capacity of stewardship organizations to deliver environmental and social benefits in
their communities and across BC

• To engage diverse stakeholders in collaboratively growing, maintaining, and delivering resources that
build capacity in the environmental stewardship sector.

To meet the above project objectives project activities centred around communications work, development of
capacity building tools, resources and best practices, and development of a web?based platform to engage
diverse stakeholders in the stewardship community. The results included the development of a capacity
building web?based benchmarking tool on a dedicated website (linked to the SCBC site), a collaborative
workshop to gather feedback and deliver resources, development of a data?base of resources and tools for
capacity building and best practices. Together, these support the BC stewardship community to effectively fulfil
their mandates.