System-wide DIDSON estimation of sockeye salmon escapement in the Quesnel River system
The Quesnel River DIDSON project assessed the feasibility of using DIDSON technology in the Quesnel River to enumerate the total sockeye escapement to the Quesnel Lake system in 2009. The objectives included: DIDSON site selection in the Quesnel River, installation/operation of two DIDSON systems throughout the sockeye migration period, generation of a sockeye escapement estimate from the project with comparison to upstream spawning ground escapement estimation, and the establishment of a collaborative capacity building/transfer relationship between project partners. The Quesnel DIDSON project estimated 157,541 ± 14,477 (9.5%) sockeye past the site, compared to the DFO Near Final Estimate of 149,467 sockeye escapement to the Quesnel Lake area. As a feasibility study all project objectives were met, and the project partners considered the project a success.