$613K Boost for Community-Driven Salmon Conservation

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Jan. 21, 2025 PSF invests $613,000 in 59 local projects, leveraging a value of $3.1 million for salmon The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) granted $613,531 to 59 community-led salmon restoration, stock enhancement, education, and stewardship…

More data needed to protect salmon biodiversity near Canada-Alaska border

Pacific salmon are mostly declining in northwest B.C. and the Yukon, yet there is a silver lining. Varied status outcomes offer hope that some salmon are doing well. A new PSF report provides a more in-depth look at salmon biodiversity in the Northern Transboundary region.

A year in review: taking action for salmon in 2024

In 2024, the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) channelled all efforts and resources toward research, projects, and grants to rebuild salmon for generations to come.  Guided by our new 2024–2028 Strategic Plan, PSF sharpened its focus on…

Survival at Sea

The future of Chinook salmon from the west coast of Vancouver Island (WCVI) hangs in the balance. They are currently threatened and at risk of becoming endangered, according to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. The…
Tagging salmon for catch and release study in British Columbia

Rethinking Release Strategies

Sturgeon Bank — a stretch of the Fraser River delta located off the west coast of Richmond, British Columbia — has lost at least 160 hectares of tidal marsh habitat over the last three decades due to dredging, dikes, and other human interventions.

Reconnecting salmon habitat damaged by B.C.’s atmospheric river

The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) has approved $7,000 in funding from the Climate Emergency Fund to support time-sensitive efforts in Ucluelet and Squamish to prevent salmon strandings and mortalities in light of recent heavy rains. An…

Meet the 2025/2026 Salmon Conservation Stamp Winner!

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The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) is pleased to announce the winning image from our annual Salmon Conservation Stamp Competition. Valerie Rogers was awarded first place with her submission titled Rapid Ascent. Rogers’ submission is one of 20 entries in this year’s competition.
Former Premier John Horgan shakes hands with PSF's Michael Meneer in 2019 at the Wild Salmon Day event at the B.C. Legislature in Victoria.

Remembering John Horgan

The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) joins British Columbians and Canadians in mourning the loss of John Horgan, the former premier of British Columbia. Horgan served as the province’s 36th premier from 2017 to 2022 and was a resolute champion for Pacific salmon and the environment in B.C.

River flows restored just in time for returning sockeye

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During the extreme flooding event in November 2021 that severely impacted the Fraser Valley, the right arm of Big Silver River was blocked by debris and disconnected from Harrison Lake when water levels dropped in the summer months.
juvenile salmon swim through kelp gardens

Peer-reviewed research: Pathogen threats from salmon aquaculture to wild Pacific salmon conservation in B.C.

A new scientific review highlights significant concerns regarding the spread of pathogens from farmed salmon to wild Pacific salmon populations in British Columbia. The peer-reviewed summary, titled ‘Pathogens from salmon aquaculture in…

Community Bursary Spotlight: Samantha Rhodes

PSF’s Stewardship Community Bursary program awards multiple $2,500 bursaries every year to post-secondary students in B.C. and the Yukon who are pursuing a career related to Pacific salmon. Eligible applicants must be residents of B.C.…

Restoring the Heart of Hiłsyaqƛis

Restoring fish habitat in Hiłsyaqƛis (Tranquil Creek), north of Tofino, might seem straightforward at first glance. However, beneath the river's calm surface lies a complex story of environmental damage and extensive efforts to recover local salmon.