Peer-reviewed research: Pathogen threats from salmon aquaculture to wild Pacific salmon conservation in B.C.

A new scientific review highlights significant concerns regarding the spread of pathogens from farmed salmon to wild Pacific salmon populations in British Columbia. The peer-reviewed summary, titled ‘Pathogens from salmon aquaculture in…

PSF responds to DFO aquaculture licence review

PSF strongly believes that contemplating open-net pen aquaculture licenses of up to six years is in direct conflict with the open-net pen transition plan promised for 2025. We should be moving away from licensing open-net pen aquaculture and…

Letter: The need for a transition and removal of open-net pen fish farms from B.C. waters

Over the past year, experts at the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) have been actively involved in the DFO’s aquaculture transition public engagement process. PSF supports the Honorable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian…

Open-net pen salmon farms pose risks to wild stocks

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PSF applauds decision to discontinue Atlantic salmon farm licences.  A decade of rigorous, peer-reviewed research undertaken by PSF and partners has outlined numerous risks open-net pen salmon farms pose to wild Pacific salmon through the…
Open-net pens in B.C>

PSF STATEMENT: Government of Canada outlines next steps in transition from open-net-pen salmon farming in British Columbia

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June 22, 2022 Today, just before the vast majority of B.C. salmon farm licenses were set to expire, the Government of Canada has issued an update on their mandate to transition away from open-net pen salmon aquaculture in British Columbia. The…
Amy Romer

Salmon Health: Recent Studies Pack 1-2 Punch Against Open-net Salmon Farms

Salmon Health Program poised for further advances thanks to North Family Foundation gift.  Two recent peer-reviewed papers out of PSF’s Salmon Health Program (successor to the Strategic Salmon Health Initiative) help shed light on the impact…
Photo credit: Tavish Campbell

New research indicates pathogen levels are twelve times higher near salmon farms

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Fraser River sockeye salmon more likely to carry Tenacibaculum maritimum near open-net salmon farms in the Discovery Islands. May 18, 2022 Vancouver, B.C. — New research indicates that Fraser sockeye were much more likely to harbour…
Photo credit: Tavish Campbell

Statement to Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO): Open-net salmon farming in B.C.

The Pacific Salmon Foundation was invited to present at the recent Government of Canada Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO). Pacific Salmon Foundation scientists Drs. Andrew Bateman and Brian Riddell provided the following statement…

Open-net pen transition plan in British Columbia

Parliamentary Roundtable Report Open-net pen transition plan in British Columbia: initial engagement process Today, Oceans and Fisheries Canada released an interim report on the engagement of British Columbians around open net pen aquaculture.…