$613K Boost for Community-Driven Salmon Conservation

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Jan. 21, 2025

PSF invests $613,000 in 59 local projects, leveraging a value of $3.1 million for salmon

The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) granted $613,531 to 59 community-led salmon restoration, stock enhancement, education, and stewardship projects in British Columbia. The projects will leverage these dollars to generate an estimated $3.1 million in total value for salmon conservation.

The Community Salmon Program amplifies the impact of salmon recovery efforts across B.C. and the Yukon by providing crucial funding to streamkeepers, First Nations, schools, and conservation groups.

Since 1994, PSF has stewarded funds from the Salmon Conservation Stamp, a decal anglers buy with their saltwater fishing license, on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). PSF strategically leverages approximately $1.5 million in annual stamp revenue, along with generous donations, to support more than 150 community- and Indigenous-led salmon conservation projects each year. Additional funding from the Province of B.C. further enhances the impact of this program.

Revegetation of the Trout Creek floodplain restoration project in Summerland, BC.

Replanting efforts at Trout Creek near Summerland, B.C. (Photo credit: Okanagan Nation Alliance)

To date, the Community Salmon Program has directed nearly $30 million to more than 3,400 salmon conservation projects across B.C. and the Yukon, engaging DFO and salmon experts in project selection, plus 30,000 volunteers who get involved in community-led projects. Recent initiatives include major habitat restoration efforts, educational and awareness programs, and the removal of barriers to fish passage.

“The Pacific Salmon Foundation’s Community Salmon Program amplifies community-driven efforts to save and restore salmon, delivering a five-fold return on investment thanks to our generous donors, anglers who purchase the Salmon Conservation stamp, and boots-on-the-ground streamkeepers,” says Michael Meneer, CEO and president, Pacific Salmon Foundation.

“For decades, Community Salmon Program grant recipients have made significant strides for local salmon populations by restoring critical habitat, fostering climate resilience, and raising awareness for at-risk populations. Donations to PSF’s grant-making program ensure that thousands of individuals from First Nations groups and stewardship organizations can access resources vital to their work in communities across B.C. and the Yukon.”

The Community Salmon Program accepts applications twice a year. The spring cycle – currently accepting applications – will remain open until Feb. 15, 2024. Applications can be submitted online here.

Learn how recent Community Salmon Program recipients are helping to restore Pacific salmon and their habitats.

Reviving riparian habitat in the Vaseux-Bighorn National Wildlife Area

The disconnected floodplain at Vaseux Creek (left) is currently dominated by invasive plant species. The goal of the project is to restore surface water connectivity and create off-channel habitat for Chinook and other salmonids, complete with native riparian vegetation (similar to image on the right).

The disconnected floodplain at Vaseux Creek (left) will be restored to create off-channel salmon habitat with native riparian vegetation (similar to right-hand image). (Photo credit: Okanagan Nation Alliance)

Since the early 1900s, efforts to control the Okanagan River’s levels and flows have drastically altered its natural state. Once abundant with fish, the river was channelized in the mid-1950s, destroying most of its riparian habitats and severing its connection to the floodplains.

For more than 20 years, the Okanagan Nation Alliance (ONA) has been working to restore the Okanagan River to a more natural state. They are currently leading a major restoration effort in the Vaseux Floodplain area — a site recognized through traditional ecological knowledge as vital for Chinook.

The goal of this project is to return portions of the Okanagan River to provide more than 10,000 square metres of off-channel rearing habitat for juvenile salmon. The ONA will excavate and reshape the floodplain, creating a new pond and adjoining floodplain that will be reconnected to the river through a culvert.

“The scale and extent of development within the Okanagan River valley since European colonization continues to impede restoration. What makes this project special is that the Vaseux Floodplain area is one of the few places in the valley where floodplain reconnection doesn’t require the removal of buildings and other major infrastructure,” says Kasey Moran, Ecosystems Project Manager, Okanagan Nation Alliance.

“This project will make a huge difference in our Chinook recovery efforts and continue to support kł cp̓əlk̓ stim̓ (cause to come back). We are grateful for PSF’s support of this project, and we hope to continue to work together to restore and protect siwɬkʷ (water) for tmixʷ (all living things), including ntytyix (Chief Salmon).”

Using data to drive conservation in Lang Creek

A volunteer collects water samples in the Lang Creek watershed. (Photo: Powell River Salmon Society)

A volunteer collects water samples in the Lang Creek watershed. (Photo: Powell River Salmon Society)

The Powell River Salmon Society (PRSS) is using data to protect salmon populations in the Lang Creek Watershed, which encompasses roughly 1,200 hectares east of Powell River. By tracking environmental conditions, PRSS engages more than 240 community members and equips local agencies with information about habitat degradation in salmon-bearing streams.

 “Our water monitoring program plays a crucial role in preserving Lang Creek’s watershed. Continuous water quality sampling ensures the creek remains healthy for salmon populations. PRSS produces an annual technical report providing valuable data, guiding conservation efforts, and safeguarding the watershed’s integrity for future generations of salmon,” says Philip Nakatsu, Assistant Manager at PRSS.

With Community Salmon Program funding, volunteers will access new mobile monitoring devices and gear to track the effects of climate change and incidents such as landslides, log jams, or runoff pollution.

A new digital salmon experience for B.C. youth

Participants gather to watch cinematographic footage in the Sea Dome. (Photo credit: Ocean Wise)

Participants gather for educational programming in the Sea Dome. (Photo credit: Ocean Wise)

More than 20,000 young people across the Lower Mainland annually experience the Sea Dome – an inflatable, six-metre dome created by Ocean Wise that projects 360-degree cinematic footage. The mobile dome, which supports ocean protection efforts, will now feature a program on Pacific salmon thanks to PSF funding.

“The Sea Dome program fosters a deep connection to the ocean, inspiring stewardship through immersive experiences and highlighting incredible ecosystems,” said Mercedes Bosch Toca, Education Manager at Ocean Wise.

“Our new salmon-focused program will emphasize Indigenous stewardship and the cultural and environmental importance of salmon, promoting sustainable management of these vital ecosystems.”

PSF’s Community Salmon Program will support a new Sea Dome program focused on the lifecycle of sockeye and chum salmon. Through new footage and learning activities, students will leave with an improved understanding of the conservation actions needed to protect Pacific salmon and their habitats.

The Community Salmon Program benefits from the generous donations of corporations and foundations, with thanks to: Alta Gas, BC Hydro, Enbridge, Grassroots Conservation Fund, Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services, Methanex, Mosaic Forest Management, Neptune Terminals, Paper Excellence, Secure Energy Services, Seaspan, Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee, and The Wolrige Foundation. Special thanks to the many individuals who support the program. To learn more about PSF’s grant program and opportunities to support on-the-ground action to save and restore salmon, contact salmon@psf.ca.

MEDIA INQUIRIES: Please contact Braela Kwan, Communications Specialist, Pacific Salmon Foundation, bkwan@psf.ca, (604) 664-7664 ext. 1025

A full list of recipients for the fall 2024 Community Salmon Program funding cohort includes:

Applicant Project Title  Funding confirmed $  Project Value $ Project Type
Alvin A McKay Elementary – School District 92 Salmonids in the Classroom             1,690          3,400 Education & Awareness, Training
Baker Creek Enhancement Society North Cariboo Salmon Aquaria Support             2,500        29,888 Education & Awareness, Training
Baker Creek Enhancement Society Stewardship Centre Expansion           15,000        99,800 Education & Awareness, Training
Beaufort Watershed Stewards Trent River Stream Mapping Project           15,333        31,961 Habitat Assessment
BlueAct Marine Society Salmon Habitat Marine Education at TidePools Aquarium             3,700          9,700 Education & Awareness, Training
Bowen Island Community School Salmonids in the Classroom             1,690          3,400 Education & Awareness, Training
Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society Mossom Creek Hatchery Colouring Book                 800          2,530 Education & Awareness, Training
Coquihalla Elementary Salmonids in the Classroom             1,690          3,490 Education & Awareness, Training
Coquitlam River Watershed Society Supplies for Enhanced Engagement in the Coquitlam River Watershed                 560          1,189 Education & Awareness, Training
Discovery Passage Aquarium Society Exhibit Water Quality Upgrades             2,395          7,292 Education & Awareness, Training
Eagle View Elementary Salmonids in the Classroom             1,690          3,400 Education & Awareness, Training
Friends of French Creek Conservation Society French Creek Stream Mapping Project           12,354        27,742 Habitat Assessment
Gwa’sala Nakwaxda’xw Nations Taaltz Creek Chum Enhancement Equipment           15,000        32,970 Stock Enhancement
James McKinney Elementary Stream of Dreams             5,858        17,231 Education & Awareness, Training
Kitasoo Xai’xais Indian Band Salmon Restoration Initiative – Kitasoo Creek           23,150        48,350 Stock Enhancement
Lakelse Watershed Stewards Society Lakelse Informational Kiosk Refurbishments             2,500          5,540 Education & Awareness, Training
Loon Foundation Enhancements to the Pender Harbour Coastal Waters Monitoring Program             8,009        18,559 Habitat Assessment
MakeWay Charitable Society – Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound Marine Stewardship Initiative (“MSI”) Searching for Slhawt’ / Herring Spawn Survey Program             8,938        50,800 Stock Enhancement
Mayne Island Conservancy Society Mayne Island Shoreline Care Program             2,186        44,686 Stewardship/Community Planning
Mid-Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society Shelly Creek Smolt Trap / Antenna Array Renewal             4,400          8,980 Stock Assessment
Millard Piercy Watershed Stewards Program Coordinator             8,000        53,600 Stewardship/Community Planning
Morten Creek SEP Bridge over “troubled” waters Morten Creek             7,500        34,322 Stock Enhancement
Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Society Year 0 Timeline Restoration Monitoring             4,258        10,258 Habitat Assessment
‘Namgis First Nation Nimpkish River – ‘Namgis fish fence modernization & improvements           50,000     100,000 Stock Assessment
Nanaimo Science and Sustainability Society Science in the Park – Salmon Theme Materials             1,500          4,300 Education & Awareness, Training
Ocean Wise Conservation Association Sea Dome: Immersive salmon conservation programming for students in their communities           10,780        84,971 Education & Awareness, Training
Okanagan Nation Alliance Vaseux Floodplain Re-engagement Project           44,600     525,132 Habitat Rehabilitation
Old Massett Village Council Yakoun River Hatchery Safety and Efficiency Upgrades           23,741        48,566 Stock Enhancement
Oyster River Enhancement Society Culvert Replacement on  Connolly Channel           23,500        61,040 Habitat Rehabilitation
Peninsula Streams and Shorelines Mobilizing Youth for Salmon Stewardship: Expanding Education and Community Engagement in Greater Victoria             5,530     120,410 Education & Awareness, Training
Peter Greer Elementary Okanagan Sockeye: Deepening our collective responsibility to tmixʷ/all living things             2,500        10,900 Education & Awareness, Training
Pinetree Secondary Salmonids in the Classroom                 800          2,500 Education & Awareness, Training
Powell River Salmon Society Lang Creek Watershed Environmental Climate Monitoring Project           10,470        90,470 Habitat Assessment
Quw’utsun Smuneem Elementary School Land Based and Sustainability Program             2,500          4,500 Education & Awareness, Training
Redd Fish Restoration Society A Walk in the Forest Trail Rehabilitation                10,000        85,600 Education & Awareness, Training
RiverSprings Hatchery RiverSprings Hatchery Siding Upgrade             7,350        14,750 Stock Enhancement
Salmon Coast Society New Beach Seine for Community-Based Juvenile Salmon Program             2,500        11,600 Education & Awareness, Training
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation 3rd Annual Advancing Women in Conservation Summit             2,500        65,500 Education & Awareness, Training
Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea Ocean’s Heartbeat AV and IT Equipment Replacement Project             2,500        29,169 Education & Awareness, Training
Shoreline Community Middle School Salmonids in the Classroom             1,690          3,400 Education & Awareness, Training
Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society Monitoring for Salmon Habitat Health In Somenos Lake             1,075        73,035 Habitat Assessment
Spruce City Wildlife Association Saltwater Tank Critters             1,623          7,443 Education & Awareness, Training
Squamish River Watershed Society Salmon Heroes             2,500        20,000 Education & Awareness, Training
Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society Hatchery Infrastructure Upgrades             2,500        12,000 Stock Enhancement
Toboggan Creek Salmon & Steelhead Enhancement Society Toboggan Creek Salmon Renovation – Bathroom, Office & New Stewardship Area           27,750     116,398 Stock Enhancement
Tyee Elementary Stream of Dreams             2,692          7,964 Education & Awareness, Training
Ucluelet Aquarium Society Salmon Exhibit Enhancement and Salmon Education Program             4,512        12,676 Education & Awareness, Training
Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance Stuart Watershed, Early Stuart Sockeye, Purchase of Water Monitoring Equipment             6,000     100,000 Habitat Assessment
Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance Quesnel River Research Centre Chinook Juvenile Rearing Shelter           54,000     188,096 Stock Enhancement
Vedder Middle School Salmonids in the Classroom             1,650          3,550 Education & Awareness, Training
WaterWealth Project Deer Creek Deeper Dive             2,135          5,655 Habitat Assessment
Wei Wai Kum First Nation Completing Fish Projects (fish fence, habitat analysis) in Loughborough Inlet           45,000     482,000 Habitat Assessment
Westsyde Elementary Stream of Dreams             4,940        13,218 Education & Awareness, Training
Wildcoast Ecological Society Kincross Creek and Fraser River Education and Restoration             2,400        32,280 Education & Awareness, Training
Woodland Park Elementary Salmonids in the Classroom             1,690          3,400 Education & Awareness, Training
Yucwmenlúcwu (Caretakers of the Land) LLP Developing a Watershed Health Assessment for Splatsin te Secwepemc             8,902        46,132 Education & Awareness, Training
Clayoquot Action Wild Salmon Gathering             2,500          5,000 Stewardship/Community Planning
Oyster River Enhancement Society New Chum Rearing Channel           40,000     108,202 Stock Enhancement
Raincoast Conservation Foundation Updating Approaches to Estimating Fisheries Related Incidental Mortality           50,000        94,521 Stock Enhancement
TOTAL 613,531 3,143,466