Grants totaling $792,304 to advance 65 local salmon restoration projects
Jan. 18, 2024
PSF funds 65 local projects, leveraging $3.7 million in total value for salmon
In the fall of 2023, the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) granted $792,304 to 65 community-led salmon restoration, education, and stewardship projects in British Columbia. These initiatives are projected to generate a collective value of $3.7 million for salmon conservation.
Launched by PSF in 1989, the Community Salmon Program empowers volunteers, local streamkeepers, Indigenous communities, and schools to take proactive measures to recover Pacific salmon and their habitats.

(Alouette River Management Society)
In the 34 years since its inception, PSF’s Community Salmon Program has distributed $27.4 million in grants to more than 3,200 projects across B.C. and the Yukon and engaged tens of thousands of volunteers. Successful projects include salmon habitat restoration, watersheds monitoring and research, emergency flood initiatives, and educational programming such as Salmonids in the Classroom.
“The needs of salmon populations across B.C. have changed since the Pacific Salmon Foundation launched the Community Salmon Program more than three decades ago. We’ve expanded our grant program to meet the growing demand for funding from local stewards and the evolving challenges salmon face – such as climate change and habitat loss,” says Michael Meneer, CEO and president, Pacific Salmon Foundation.
“The Community Salmon Program supports projects stewarding Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas, training and educating students to protect salmon habitat, and empowering community members to take care of their local salmon ecosystems. These vital grants to communities all across British Columbia and the Yukon would not be possible without our supporters. I encourage you to consider donating to the Community Salmon Program to ensure this program continues to empower local communities.”
To support the Community Salmon Program, you can donate online today.
The Salmon Conservation Stamp, a decal that anglers purchase with their saltwater fishing licence, is the primary funding source for the program. Through a landmark agreement in 1989, PSF manages the full proceeds of the stamp on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to advance community-led salmon restoration.
The Community Salmon Program is currently accepting applications for the spring 2024 cycle until Feb. 15, 2024. Apply here.
Read below to learn how recent Community Salmon Program recipients are making a positive difference for salmon.
Training a new generation of streamkeepers in the Alouette Watershed

(Alouette River Management Society)
In 1928, the completion of the Alouette Dam in Maple Ridge effectively blocked salmon access to what is now known as the Alouette Reservoir, causing dramatic declines in abundance for local salmon populations. Nearly a century later, the Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) is restoring local salmon habitats.
Their “Community Connections” project is a three-part initiative aiming to engage community members with local watersheds through 2024 and raise awareness for resident salmon populations. It involves hosting monthly, hands-on restoration activities for local volunteers, providing streamkeeper training, and restoring 600 square metres of salmon habitat in the lower reaches of the South Alouette River.
Volunteers will remove sediment and invasive species and plant up to 250 native trees and shrubs to improve the salmon habitat.
“Stewardship activities like these are critical in continuing to develop environmental stewards in our region, playing an important role in building a community that strives to restore these vital spaces,” says Marissa Waddell, Watershed Projects Manager at ARMS.
Mamalilikulla First Nation restores salmon streams in Gwaxdlala and Nalaxdlala watersheds

View showing Hoeya Estuary to Hoeya Sound entrance in the Gwaxdlala/Nalaxdlala Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area. (Current Environmental Ltd.)
The Mamalilikulla First Nation will lead salmon stream restoration efforts in its Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA), declared by the Nation in 2021. The IPCA is roughly the size of Vancouver and includes both land and marine components around Gwaxdlala (Lull Bay) and Nalaxdlala (Hoeya Sound), just northeast of Port McNeill on Vancouver Island.
The area has historically supported abundant salmon populations, as evidenced by ancient Indigenous villages and fish traps. However, a combination of timber harvesting and landslide events has led to increased sedimentation in the Lull, Hoeya, and Hoeya East creeks, degrading salmon habitat.
The Mamalilikulla will assess and lead the implementation of various restoration activities throughout 2024 with the support of partners and Guardians. Proposed restoration activities include stabilizing paths of recent landslides by planting riparian vegetation, removing large debris to allow fish passage, and improving gravel bed conditions for salmon spawning.
This effort to restore salmon streams is part of the Mamalilikulla’s commitment to leading conservation efforts in Gwaxdlala/Nalaxdlala under new collaborative governance agreements and management plans with Crown governments. In an area of great cultural significance to the Mamalilikulla, the Nation is taking steps to maintain, restore, and protect unique habitat and species like salmon.
“This project will significantly advance our Nation’s stated objective of restoring salmon in the IPCA to levels of abundance that will restore the health of our Grizzly bears and other dependent species in the ecosystem, in accordance with our ancient laws,” says Mamalilikulla Chief Councillor Winidi (John Powell).
Riparian habitats rescue at Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary

(Madi Haller, Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary)
Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary, located near Victoria on Vancouver Island, engages more than 400 community members across 10-plus riparian stewardship efforts on an annual basis. This supports their work towards restoring the streams and lake to improve habitats for coho and chum salmon.
The nature sanctuary acts as an immersive outdoor classroom, allowing youth from ages three and up to develop long-term connections with nature through hands-on learning. For example, their Adopt A Patch program gives learners on-the-ground ecological restoration experience identifying and cultivating native plants, as well as managing less desirable species in Garry Oak meadow habitats.

(Phaedra Otwey, Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary)
With Community Salmon Program funding, the sanctuary’s team aims to expand its community offerings.
“This project will allow us to have more participants engaged with our water quality monitoring work aligned with provincial standards,” says Cara Gibson, Executive Director at the Nature Sanctuary.
“Also, new this year, we will be teaching participants how to do aquatic plant surveys and building vegetated floating islands to trial low-tech ways to uptake excess nutrients.”
The Community Salmon Program also benefits from corporations with sustainability goals. The Alastair and Diana Gillespie Foundation, BC Hydro, Encorp, Methanex, Mosaic Forest Management, Neptune Terminals, Paper Excellence, Pembina, Seaspan, Secure Energy, Sutherland Foundation Inc., The Wolrige Foundation, and Trans Mountain support the program. Interested businesses can contact
MEDIA INQUIRIES: Please contact Braela Kwan, Communications Specialist, Pacific Salmon Foundation,, (604) 664-7664 ext. 1025
A full list of recipients for the fall 2023 Community Salmon Program cohort includes:
Applicant | Project Title | CSP Grant $ | Project Value $ |
A Rocha Canada | Microscope Camera | 2,500 | 24,000 |
Aberdeen Elementary | Stream of Dreams at Aberdeen Elementary | 6,730 | 21,301 |
Adams River Salmon Society | Education and Outreach Program | 2,500 | 10,000 |
Alex Aitken Elementary | Stream of Dreams at Alex Aitken Elementary | 3,080 | 7,985 |
Alouette River Management Society | Alouette Watershed Community Connections | 10,000 | 40,750 |
Annunciation School | Stream of Dreams at Annunciation School | 4,148 | 10,129 |
British Columbia Conservation Foundation | Little Qualicum River Estuary Interpretative Signage | 4,800 | 10,800 |
Centre Mountain Lellum | Salmonids in the Classroom | 2,200 | 4,800 |
Cheakamus Foundation for Environmental Learning | Teaching Hatchery Pump Shed | 2,500 | 5,500 |
Comox Valley Project Watershed | Mallard Creek Off-Channel Habitat Restoration | 7,545 | 22,506 |
Council of Yukon First Nations | Increasing Yukon First Nation Salmon Stewardship Capacity | 11,219 | 33,783 |
Cowichan Lake Salmonid Enhancement Society | Riparian Restoration Planting | 2,417 | 4,937 |
Cowichan Watershed Society | Water Quality Sampling | 2,500 | 50,540 |
Crescent Park Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 3,550 |
École des Cascades | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 3,550 |
École Lord Tennyson Elementary School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 3,700 |
Fanny Bay Salmonid Enhancement Society | Community Stream Habitat Mapping | 16,708 | 55,053 |
Freshwater Fisheries Society of British Columbia | British Columbia’s Family Fishing Weekend | 10,000 | 141,210 |
Friends of French Creek Conservation Society | French Creek Community Park Riparian Habitat Conservation | 25,798 | 64,521 |
Gitga’at First Nation | Gitga’at Hatchery Upgrades | 63,200 | 501,520 |
Goldstream Volunteer Salmonid Enhancement Association | Salmonids in the Classroom | 5,500 | 11,400 |
Guardians of Our Salish Estuaries Society | Eco-Cultural Restoration of Salish Sea Estuaries | 24,500 | 258,700 |
Holly Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 233 | 3,200 |
Holy Cross Elementary School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 3,600 |
Homalco First Nations | Hatchery Backup Generator | 25,000 | 53,305 |
Homalco-Taggares Hatchery | Hatchery Supplies | 2,500 | 7,416 |
Hyde Creek Watershed Society | Educational Salmon Booklets | 2,500 | 8,670 |
King Traditional Elementary School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 3,550 |
Lansdowne South Middle School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 2,500 | 5,050 |
Latimer Road Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 4,150 |
Loon Foundation | Stewardship of Pacific Salmon and their Habitat on the Sunshine Coast | 7,850 | 89,250 |
Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance | Upper Pitt River Restoration | 99,389 | 222,889 |
Mamalilikulla First Nation | Gwaxdlala/Nalaxdlala Indigenous Protected And Conserved Area Salmon Stream Restoration | 75,000 | 150,000 |
McMillan Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 3,850 |
Meadow & Marsh Home Learners Nature Club | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 3,550 |
Millard Piercy Watershed Stewards | Piercy Tributary 1 South Bank Restoration Project | 57,420 | 132,630 |
Nanaimo & Area Land Trust | Stark Creek Riparian Restoration | 1,118 | 3,278 |
Nootka Sound Watershed Society | Spawning Gravel Augmentation | 30,000 | 590,102 |
North Shore Streamkeepers | North Shore Alliance Rain Garden | 4,000 | 23,020 |
Ocean Cliff Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 2,000 |
Ocean Cliff Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 4,850 |
Okanagan Nation Alliance | Fish in Schools | 2,500 | 8,400 |
Our Lady of Fatima | Salmonids in the Classroom | 1,650 | 3,870 |
Peninsula Streams Society | Reay Creek Habitat Assessment and Rehabilitation | 8,000 | 26,000 |
Port Coquitlam & District Hunting & Fishing Club | Grist Goesen Memorial Hatchery Rearing Tub Replacement | 25,798 | 51,596 |
Quw’utsun Smuneem Elementary | Stream of Dreams at Quw’utsun Smuneem Elementary | 1,614 | 4,714 |
Raincoast Conservation Foundation | Salish Sea Emerging Stewards | 2,500 | 17,300 |
Redd Fish Restoration Society | Barkley-Clayoquot Region Nearshore Marine Monitoring | 39,580 | 95,080 |
Redd Fish Restoration Society | Hiłsyaqƛis (Tranquil) Floodplain Restoration | 88,000 | 483,539 |
S.A.Y. Lands | Chilliwack Creek Riparian Planting | 2,500 | 12,220 |
Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club | Deck Replacement | 1,200 | 4,000 |
Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club | Replace Well Equipment & Flow Test Little Campbell Hatchery | 9,107 | 106,607 |
Shaughnessy Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 469 | 2,369 |
Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society | Somenos Creek Migratory Passage Restoration | 17,390 | 37,000 |
Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society | Stream Assessment and Monitoring Equipment | 2,500 | 5,500 |
Squamish Streamkeepers | Restoration Project Identification | 1,000 | 4,235 |
Stanley Park Ecology Society | The Return of the Salmonids | 21,345 | 117,212 |
Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary | Riparian Rescue For Youth | 2,500 | 7,580 |
Sxoxomic Community school | Stream of Dreams | 2,026 | 4,826 |
Templeton Secondary School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 450 | 910 |
Vancouver Christian School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 500 | 1,800 |
Wishart Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 2,110 | 9,010 |
Yorkson Watershed Enhancement Society | Watershed Restoration | 2,500 | 6,000 |