Pacific Salmon Foundation Announces $1.4 million for Salmon Projects
May 16, 2024
PSF funds 113 community salmon projects, leveraging $9 million in total value for salmon.
The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) has granted $1,445,226 to 113 community salmon projects —including many Indigenous-led initiatives — in British Columbia and the Yukon this spring. The initiatives represent $9 million in total value for salmon conservation, as a result of additional fundraising and volunteer hours by Indigenous and community grantees.
The funds were made available through PSF’s Community Salmon Program, founded in 1989, which empowers volunteers, local streamkeepers, Indigenous communities, and schools to help conserve and recover Pacific salmon and their habitats.

Team members sort eelgrass bundles to support salmon habitat restoration (Photo: Greenways Land Trust)
In the 35 years since its inception, the program has distributed $28.8 million in grants to more than 3,300 projects across B.C. and the Yukon, engaging roughly 30,000 volunteers. Successful initiatives have included salmon habitat restoration, monitoring and research, streamkeeper training, and educational programs that raise awareness for salmon.
The Community Salmon Program accepts new applications each spring and fall. The Salmon Conservation Stamp, a decal anglers much purchase with a saltwater fishing license, is the primary funding source for the program. Every year, PSF stewards all proceeds from the stamp on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to support community-led salmon conservation. In addition, funding from the Province of B.C. has helped to leverage the annual support from the Salmon Conservation Stamp and generous donors.
“We at Pacific Salmon Foundation are energized by the 113 salmon conservation projects submitted to our Community Salmon Program this spring. We are humbled by the dedication of the many grassroots stewardship organizations and volunteers who envision and mobilize these projects, and we are particularly humbled by the projects advanced by Indigenous communities, given their deep history and commitment to salmon,” says Michael Meneer, President and CEO, Pacific Salmon Foundation.
“This year, the Community Salmon Program received the highest amount of funding requests in the program’s history. Unfortunately, there was a gap in funding availability of roughly half a million dollars. Demand for local stewardship is at an all-time high, and salmon need us now more than ever. I strongly encourage you to support the Community Salmon Program to ensure that hundreds of streamkeepers, First Nations groups, and community volunteers have the funds they need to advance their vital salmon restoration and habitat recovery efforts.”
If you’d like to support the Community Salmon Program, donate online today.
“Strong partnerships are key to successful outcomes. Our collaboration with the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) and their stewardship of revenue from the Salmon Conservation Stamp on behalf of DFO is an example of what we can accomplish when we work together. The transformative work of the Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative is centered around such partnerships with Indigenous Peoples, stewardship groups, and harvesters. The PSF successfully leverages these funds for our common goal, to rebuild and restore Pacific salmon populations and their habitat,” says Hon. Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard.
“The Province of B.C. is proud to support Indigenous communities and stream keepers in their growing efforts to restore salmon populations and conserve vital habitats through this program. The Community Salmon Program is an exciting model of grassroots action to advance local priorities and projects on the ground and bring back wild salmon to streams in communities across British Columbia,” says Hon. Nathan Cullen, Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship and Minister Responsible for Fisheries.
Read below to learn how recent grant recipients are making a difference for local salmon populations.
Kitsumkalum Band creates new habitats for salmon in northern B.C.

Community members salvage coho fry in the Exchamsiks River Protected Area (Photo: Kitsumkalum Band).
In 2019, the Kitsumkalum Band observed juvenile salmon swimming into isolated ponds near the Skeena River during high water. As the water went down, the fish stayed trapped.
Every year since, Kitsumkalum community members have salvaged roughly 3,000 stranded juvenile coho from ponds in the Exchamsiks River Protected Area, located between Terrace and Prince Rupert.
With support from PSF in 2023, and in collaboration with the British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund and other partners, the Kitsumkalum Band has created a new stream channel to connect a pond to the Exchamsiks River and prevent further stranding.

Gravel placement will help create new spawning habitat for many salmonids (Photo: Kitsumkalum Band).
This year in 2024, their gravel placement project aims to enhance the new streambed and provide spawning habitat for local salmon, char, cutthroat trout, and steelhead populations.
“Restoring fish habitat along the Skeena River – in this case, at the Exchamsiks Restoration Project – is important for all First Nations, as well as recreational and commercial fishers,” says Tammy Roberts, Fish and Wildlife Program Administrator for the Kitsumkalum Band.
“It has been great to see the success of this project through the collaboration of many people and partners.”
Divers help eelgrass return to Campbell River Estuary

A diver plants eelgrass in the Mill Pond area of the Campbell River Estuary (Photo: A’tlegay Fisheries Society)
In the Campbell River Estuary, the Wei Wai Kum First Nation and Greenways Land Trust have worked together since 2019 to restore eelgrass meadow habitat for chum and Chinook salmon around Mill Pond.
With support from PSF, their new project phase will restore an additional 1,000 square metres of valuable juvenile habitat – equivalent to the area of two basketball courts. The shore crew and dive team, including Guardian Watchmen, will transplant eelgrass through the summer of 2024, with hopes to plant a total of 6,000 square metres by 2025.
“The Mill Pond Project Team is excited to be able to expand our eelgrass meadow planting within the Campbell River Estuary,” says Katharine Lavoie, Executive Director at Greenways Land Trust.
“This work will drastically improve previously degraded habitat so that it can be viable for juvenile salmonids in future. Thank you so much to PSF for this support.”
Salmon excursions for newcomer families in Greater Vancouver

Two children release juvenile salmon in local streams (Photo: NatureKids BC).
NatureKids BC, based in North Vancouver, creates opportunities for children and families to learn about local nature. This PSF-supported project will empower newcomers to learn about the salmon life cycle, local salmon habitat restoration, and the importance of salmon as keystone species. In partnership with community agencies, NatureKids BC will coordinate nature excursions for newcomer families to witness salmon releases or salmon runs – and build connections to British Columbia through salmon.
“This project will also empower participants to assess what actions each household can take to contribute to salmon health,” says Rebecca Clapperton Law, Executive Director, NatureKids BC.
“Our community agency partners work with us to create in-nature, place-based moments of learning and connection with each other and with the lands and waters.”
The Community Salmon Program also benefits from organizations with sustainability goals. The Alastair and Diana Gillespie Foundation, AltaGas, BC Hydro, Enbridge, Grassroots Conservation Fund, Methanex, Mosaic Forest Management, Neptune Terminals, Pembina Pipeline, Seaspan, Secure Energy, Sutherland Foundation, The SJ Foundation, The Wolrige Foundation, and Trans Mountain support the program. To learn more about PSF’s grant program and opportunities to support on-the-ground action to save salmon and their habitats, contact
MEDIA INQUIRIES: Please contact Braela Kwan, Communications Specialist, Pacific Salmon Foundation,, (604) 664-7664 ext. 1025
A full list of recipients for the spring 2024 Community Salmon Program cohort includes:
Applicant | Project Title | Project Value $ | Grant Awarded $ | Project Type |
A Rocha Canada | Upper Bulkley Watershed Salmon Stock Assessment | 26,350 | 4,770 | Stock Assessment |
A Rocha Canada | Salmon Smart: Community Learning in the Upper Bulkley | 18,575 | 2,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Alberni Valley Enhancement Association | SIC Equipment and Improvements | 14,000 | 6,400 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Alberni Valley Enhancement Association | Shannon Farms Hatchery | 6,580 | 2,500 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society | Mossom Burrard Coho PIT tagging project | 32,040 | 8,000 | Stock Assessment |
Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary | Stream of Dreams | 11,792 | 4,024 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
BlueAct Marine Society | Gibsons Harbour Eelgrass Habitat Cleanup and Restoration | 33,630 | 6,000 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
British Columbia Conservation Foundation | Mitigating UV Filters in Cowichan Lake and River | 66,935 | 5,000 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society | Coho Spawning and Rearing Habitat Restoration at Birkdale Farm | 66,010 | 31,420 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society | Brooklyn Creek Greenway Rock Riffle Installation 2024 | 46,955 | 14,325 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Coho Society of the North Shore | Coho Festival 2024 | 195,600 | 10,000 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Collingwood School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Coquitlam River Watershed Society | Outreach Engagement for a Healthy Coquitlam River Watershed | 4,550 | 2,250 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Cougar Creek Streamkeepers | Bates Ravine Restoration Planting | 8,340 | 2,500 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Courtenay & District Fish & Game Protective Association | Upwelling Spawning Platform | 30,536 | 11,540 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Cowichan Community Land Trust | Cowichan River Forest Learning | 21,410 | 1,000 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Discovery Coast Greenways Land Trust | Greenways Streamkeepers | 6,650 | 2,500 | Habitat Assessment |
Ecole Margaret Jenkins School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,490 | 1,650 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Estsek’ Environmental Services LLP | Louis Creek Salmon Restoration Program | 129,899 | 64,789 | Stock Assessment |
Fanny Bay Salmon Enhancement Society | River Never Sleeps 2024 | 15,642 | 6,000 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Fort St. James Secondary School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,640 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Fraser Basin Council Society | Horsefly Watershed Salmon Habitat Restoration | 556,526 | 44,689 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Galiano Conservancy | Salmonids in the Classroom | 7,024 | 1,800 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Gillard Pass Fisheries Association | Bute Inlet Chinook Assessment | 232,020 | 25,000 | Stock Assessment |
Guardians of Our Salish Estuaries Society | Eco-Cultural Restoration of Salish Sea Estuaries | 82,975 | 25,155 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Hecate Strait Streamkeepers Society | Cameron Creek Instream Habitat Restoration | 49,557 | 18,657 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department | Escapement Video-Monitoring in the Tankeeah River | 226,605 | 28,200 | Stock Assessment |
Horsefly River Roundtable | Streamkeepers Training | 7,173 | 2,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Hoy-Scott Watershed Society | Outflow Channel Naturalization | 110,321 | 35,000 | Stock Enhancement |
Jean Marie Joseph School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Kingfisher Interpretive Centre Society | Conservation Through Education | 168,494 | 11,414 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Kitsumkalum Band Fish & Wildlife Department | Gravels Placement Project | 426,395 | 32,000 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Ladysmith Sportsmen’s Club | Hatchery Repair and Equipment | 20,340 | 5,940 | Stock Assessment |
Lakelse Watershed Stewards Society | Scully Habitat Assessment | 16,700 | 7,200 | Habitat Assessment |
Lakelse Watershed Stewards Society | Watershed Water Quality Sampling | 27,910 | 2,500 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Lillooet Tribal Council | Coho In the Classroom | 27,180 | 13,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Loon Foundation | Stewardship Survey Area | 21,120 | 6,740 | Habitat Assessment |
Lord Selkirk Elementary School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,390 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Lower Fraser Collaborative Table | Fishing Group Collaboration | 49,205 | 20,000 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Mainland Enhancement of Salmonoid Species Society | Spawning Gravel Addition | 26,000 | 13,000 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
MakeWay Foundation | To Swim and Speak with Salmon | 624,220 | 10,000 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Marlborough Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,205 | 705 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Meadowbrook Elementary | Stream of Dreams | 8,878 | 2,959 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society | 2024 Streamkeepers Course | 3,150 | 1,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Millard-Piercy Watershed Stewards | Program Manual | 7,250 | 2,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Morrison Creek Streamkeepers | Fish Barrier Removal Project | 401,690 | 40,390 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Nanaimo Science and Sustainability Society | Salmon Run Days 2024 | 7,000 | 1,050 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Na’tsa’maht Indigenous Education Royal Bay Secondary School | SĆIȺNEW̱ SṮEȽIṮḴEȽ | 6,000 | 2,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
North Shore Streamkeepers Society | Water Quality Monitoring Initiative | 29,000 | 6,000 | Habitat Assessment |
North Vancouver Island Salmonid Enhancement Association | Hatchery Water Monitoring | 7,282 | 2,182 | Stock Enhancement |
Nylon Zoo | Salmon are Important | 4,099 | 2,059 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Okanagan Nation Alliance | Fish in Schools | 13,700 | 2,500 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Oona River Resources Association | Hatchery Equipment Maintenance | 12,400 | 5,000 | Stock Assessment |
Outdoor and Ecological Learning | Streamkeepers Training | 4,920 | 2,400 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Peninsula Streams Society | Stewardship Program | 194,150 | 29,500 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Peninsula Streams Society | Colquitz Restoration and Salmon Monitoring Project | 283,500 | 30,000 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Peninsula Streams Society | Millstream Stewardship and Restoration | 148,230 | 28,000 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Peninsula Streams Society | Beach Education and Conservation of Habitat | 138,200 | 21,800 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Powell River Salmon Society | Lang Remediation and Security Project | 730,749 | 25,031 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Powell River Salmon Society | Lang Bay Railing Project | 12,500 | 2,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Powell River Salmon Society | Water Monitoring Computer Replacement | 17,530 | 1,750 | Habitat Assessment |
Qualicum Beach Streamkeeper Society | Community Stream Mapping Project | 38,716 | 14,080 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Qualicum Beach Streamkeeper Society | Gravel Bed Protection and Enhancement | 4,670 | 1,750 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Queen Mary Elementary School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Quilchena Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,600 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Redd Fish Restoration | Atleo River Watershed Landslide Stabilization | 119,459 | 25,000 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Rivers to Ridges | Salmon in the Schools | 129,700 | 10,000 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Rivershed Society of British Columbia | Foodlands Corridor Restoration Program | 150,680 | 25,000 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
RiverSprings Hatchery | Hatchery Upgrade | 2,450 | 450 | Stock Enhancement |
Rosemary Heights Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Roy Creek Salmonid Enhancement Society | Carters Pond Solar Aeration | 7,830 | 2,452 | Stock Enhancement |
S.A.Y. Lands | Riparian Planting | 7,960 | 2,420 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Salmon Coast Society | Health and Safety Equipment | 5,253 | 2,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society | Kelp Habitat Restoration | 197,300 | 24,800 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
SD72 | Watershed Restoration Learning Wagons | 26,450 | 6,000 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Seaforth Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 2,382 | 632 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Seaforth Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Seymour Salmonid Society | Hatchery Structural Project | 126,200 | 63,000 | Stock Enhancement |
Shawnigan Basin Society | Salmon Distribution | 8,041 | 2,061 | Stock Assessment |
Sir Alexander Mackenzie School | Boardwalk Restoration and Habitat Protection | 41,400 | 10,000 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Skeetchestn Natural Resources Corporation | Lower Deadman River Floodplain and Riparian Restoration | 521,095 | 118,625 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Snaw-naw-as First Nation | Shelly Creek Fish Passage Project | 206,055 | 45,750 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society | Sooke River Habitat Assessment | 20,000 | 4,500 | Habitat Assessment |
Southgate Middle School | Floating Classroom | 6,249 | 2,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Spruce City Wildlife Association | Upper Fraser Small Stream Enumeration | 50,426 | 24,641 | Stock Assessment |
Spruce City Wildlife Association | Hatchery Brood Supplies | 7,462 | 2,462 | Stock Enhancement |
Squamish River Watershed Society | Salmon Restoration Opportunities Workshop | 15,610 | 2,500 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
St. Mary’s School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Stewardship Pemberton Society | Pacific Streamkeepers Training | 2,030 | 615 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Strathcona Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,940 | 1690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Sunshine Coast Conservation Association | Salmon and Narrows Inlets Eelgrass Mapping | 47,200 | 23,600 | Habitat Assessment |
Sunshine Coast Conservation Association | Sunshine Coast Friends of Forage Fish | 23,290 | 6,000 | Habitat Assessment |
Sunshine Coast Streamkeepers Society | Air and Water Temperature Recording | 4,500 | 2,250 | Habitat Assessment |
Surrey Traditional Elementary | Stream of Dreams | 13,036 | 4,443 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary | Eggs Community Art & Science | 8,330 | 2,500 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Ta’an Kwäch’än Council | Chinook Salmon Stock Restoration Planning | 73,395 | 18,585 | Habitat Assessment |
Tsolum River Restoration Society | Level Logger Upgrade | 22,404 | 10,729 | Habitat Assessment |
Ucluelet Aquarium Society | Salmon Trail Outreach & Training | 64,144 | 10,836 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Valleycliffe Elementary School | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
W L McLeod Elementary | Stream of Dreams | 13,512 | 4,262 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Walley Creek Streamkeepers | Walley Creek Riparian Restoration | 7,440 | 2,500 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Wei Wai Kum Community Stream Mapping Project | 16,955 | 8,330 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Mill Pond Eelgrass Restoration | 153,302 | 50,000 | Habitat Rehabilitation |
West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society | Cypress Creek Restoration | 599,381 | 66,188 | Stock Enhancement |
Westcot Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,400 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Westside Montessori Elementary | Salmonids in the Classroom | 3,490 | 1,690 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Wildcoast Ecological Society | Habitat Education and Restoration | 23,389 | 4,424 | Stewardship/Community Planning |
Williams Lake Field Naturalists/Scout Island Nature Centre | New Intertidal Tank for Stream to Sea Programs | 11,629 | 5,075 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Williams Lake Field Naturalists/Scout Island Nature Centre | CaNOE Conference for Salmon Education Coordinators | 61,635 | 23,670 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Young Naturalists’ Club of BC Society / NatureKids BC | Newcomers Exploring Salmon Habitats | 15,850 | 5,400 | Education & Awareness, Training |
Yucwmenlucwu (Caretakers of the Land) LLP. | Splatsin Initiatives to Protect Salmon | 83,624 | 15,684 | Stock Assessment |
Wei Wai Kum First Nation | Loughborough Inlet Enhancement Assessment | 498,412 | 64,563 | Habitat Assessment |
Total | $8,957,859 | $1,445,226 |