Drought Affecting Salmon

If you see drought conditions in your area that are impacting salmon habitat or might be impeding salmon migration, please use the reporting tool below.

With much of B.C. expected to experience drought this summer, we will likely see adverse effects on habitat.  Warm stream temperatures and drought are two significant factors that can affect salmon survival and reproductive success. Parched streams and side-channels along rivers become unviable habitat for returning adult salmon and juveniles.


Reports received through this Drought Affecting Salmon Reporting Tool will improve our collective knowledge of climate change with more eyes on the ground, and will be shared with DFO, the Province of B.C., and other technical experts.


Look for low water levels that are leaving fish stranded or impeding the passage of salmon to their spawning grounds.


Note the location and adverse conditions you are seeing, along with any other details you think might be helpful. If you can, document with photos.


Report the details using PSF’s drought reporting tool and provide your contact information so we can get in touch with you if further information is needed.

For concerns regarding human activities impacting salmon, such as damage to fish habitat or pollution, or for enforcement issues, please contact the DFO ORR line via email or phone.

(Email: DFO.ORR-ONS.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Call toll free: 1-800-465-4336, In greater Vancouver call: 604-607-4186)

For questions or assistance with this reporting tool, please contact emergencyresponse@psf.ca

News and Updates

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