Let’s celebrate and support wild salmon!
June 1st is B.C. Wild Salmon Day, so now is the perfect time to reflect on the tremendous cultural significance, economic value, and the vital role Pacific salmon play in our local environment.
The Pacific Salmon Foundation is made and powered by the passion of people for salmon—people like you! Your support of our organization means that we can continue scoring victories for Pacific salmon, their continued adaptation to changing environmental conditions, and survival for generations to come.
Rapidly changing environmental conditions are posing the biggest threat the species has ever come up against. This is why we need your help.
Let us know what salmon mean to you and your community by including a message with your donation or emailing kmaier@psf.ca directly.

Hard to imagine no longer having wild salmon in our waterways and oceans. A remarkable life cycle to see and one that has reliably supported people for thousands of years. Our family cannot absorb their probable disappearance. The indigenous peoples not only have relied on them for their sustenance but also the salmon are a part of their identity culturally and spiritually.
The Impact of your Gift
Show your love for salmon this BC Wild Salmon Day with a donation, from which we can guarantee up to a 5x return by leveraging your donated dollars in partnership with dedicated community groups and partner organizations who can give us the best results and make the greatest impact.
$50 Donation
Plant 10 native trees for habitat restoration along watersheds
$125 Donation
Tag 15 wild juvenile salmon with PIT tags for marine research.
$250 Donation
Screen two adult Chinook salmon for stressors and diseases.
$1000 Donation
Hire 4 Divers for a day to plant eelgrass habitat for juvenile salmon transitioning into estuaries.
If you would like to speak with our fundraising staff about how your gift can make a difference, please contact us at salmon@psf.ca or call 604-664-7664.