Open-net pen transition plan in British Columbia
Blog, Salmon HealthParliamentary Roundtable Report
Open-net pen transition plan in British Columbia: initial engagement process
Today, Oceans and Fisheries Canada released an interim report on the engagement of British Columbians around open net pen aquaculture.…

Key Findings from 5-year Study on Salish Sea Salmon Declines
Press(photo credit: Danny Swainson, BC Conservation Foundation. PSF Biologist Collin Middleton inserts a PIT tag into a juvenile Coho at the Nanaimo Hatchery. His work is a continuation of the Salish Sea Marine Survival Project’s studies on tracking…

86% of B.C. residents show high levels of concern about declining salmon stocks
July 23, 2021
86% of B.C. residents show high levels of concern about declining salmon stocks
VANCOUVER, B.C. - A poll conducted by Insights West and Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) shows that the decline in Pacific salmon…

In times of extreme heat like this, it’s hard for salmon.
Article written by Jason Hwang, VP for Salmon, Pacific Salmon Foundation
As climate change makes extreme heatwaves more likely into the future, we need to accelerate work to support climate adaptation for critical species whose habitats…