A special gift for Pacific salmon this holiday season: Prince of Whales plays santa for salmon
Blog, Press
Dec. 21, 2022
Vancouver, B.C. – Pacific salmon and the killer whales that depend on them for survival receive a special gift as Prince of Whales announces a $130,000 contribution to the Pacific Salmon Foundation.
Climate change is…

2022 Kids Salmon Art Contest: the results are in
BlogThe Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF)’s second annual Kids Salmon Art Contest received more than 500 salmon-inspired art submissions from students across B.C. and the Yukon. The students produced art pieces celebrating the incredible journey…

A year in review: PSF’s top 10 highlights of 2022
BlogThe Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) had a busy year thanks to support from partners, donors, readers, and hundreds of volunteers across B.C. and the Yukon. PSF with partners old and new made considerable progress in 2022 to advance critical…

2023/2024 Salmon Conservation Stamp Winner Announced
Blog, Press, Salmon Stamp CompetitionThe Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) is pleased to announce the winning image from our annual Salmon Conservation Stamp Competition. Valerie Rogers was awarded first place with her submission titled Rapid Ascent. Rogers’ submission is one of 20 entries in this year’s competition.

Meet the next generation of People for Salmon at VIU
BlogThe Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) coordinates a variety of scholarship awards and bursaries to support new generations of salmon leaders and scientists, providing financial benefits to post-secondary students who are pursuing an education…

Thousands of salmon make it upstream just before winter
Blog, PressDec. 07, 2022
Log-jam removal from key Nicola River habitat allows 2,000 salmon to reach spawning grounds.
One-year after the 2021 floods left Pacific salmon stranded in fields and vital habitat in immediate need of repair, coho salmon have…