PSF Programs Update
BlogAll of us at PSF appreciate that this is an exceptionally difficult time. It’s been a challenging few weeks, and communities everywhere have had to adapt to major change. Through all of this, we are grateful to health care and essential service…

PSF Biologist Position
Blog, CareersThe Pacific Salmon Foundation is currently hiring for a Biologist Position to collaborate with PSF staff and DFO on a funded science based review of Pacific salmon hatchery results in the Pacific region.
This job application closed on March…

Voices for Salmon: PSF Scholarship and Bursary Recipients
Blog, Community Salmon Program
The Pacific Salmon Foundation supports a variety of scholarships and bursaries to ensure a new generation of stewards will be ready to champion wild salmon and navigate new challenges to their future.
This year we are delighted to announce…

Leave a Legacy for Wild Salmon Stewards
BlogPSF Donors are powering community-driven stewardship
Empowered communities play a pivotal role in wild salmon conservation. That’s why supporting volunteers trained in the science of grassroots stewardship is a mainstay of the Pacific…

Restoring the Lower Fraser
BlogThe lower Fraser comprises vital habitat for Chinook and other salmon species. But it is the most densely populated area of British Columbia, and the development and impacts that arise from that are challenging. Fortunately, there is a network…

Cleaning up the Salish Sea
"Underwater meadows of eelgrass not only act as filters to stop pollutants and sediments from entering marine ecosystems, they’re a kind of nursery for fish,” says Sarah Verstegen, operations…

Disregard for scientific process does not “Discredit” valid research
BlogThe article by Fabian Dawson (SeaWestNews, July 26, 2018) is both ethically wrong and factually incorrect.
First off, for anyone to exploit the recent death of a baby Orca is unconscionable. Regrettably there are multiple possible causes…

BBQ Pink Salmon Recipes
Blog, Recipes
Rockin' Ronnie Shewchuk the barbeque king grilled these sumptuous pink salmon recipes on Global Morning News ahead of our biennial Pink Salmon Festival on August 27, 2017. Get his recipes below:
Easiest, Tastiest Marinade
Makes about…

Discovery of HSMI on BC Salmon Farm
BlogThe Strategic Salmon Health Initiative (SSHI) was initiated by the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Genome BC and Fisheries and Oceans Canada to investigate issues related to the survival of juvenile salmon during their ocean migration. The overall…

Salmon Spawner Poster
Artist and avid angler Bill Watterson designed the poster above featuring Pacific salmon in their spawning phases. The images are designed to help young people identify the different species based on their unique colors and patterns. An…

Seal Beanies Reach a Milestone
In the early 1980's when salmon survival was high, the seal population in the Strait of Georgia was approximately 10,000. But with new seal protection laws, the population exploded through the 1980s and early 90s to about 40,000 - coinciding…

Exceptionally warm ocean conditions are impacting BC marine life.
By Ian Perry, (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station and Peter Chandler, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institute of Ocean Sciences
The warm and dry weather that British Columbia has experienced this spring…