Two UBC interns advance PSF’s climate change research

Two graduate students from the University of British Columbia – Alicia Andersen and Ian Chambers – joined the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) during the summer of 2022 to complete internships with the Salmon Watersheds Program. Chambers…

When Disaster Strikes, PSF steps up

November 17 marks the one-year anniversary of the 2021 catastrophic floods in B.C. after a series of atmospheric rivers resulted in a state of emergency across the province. The flooding left Pacific salmon stranded in agricultural fields and…

Protected: Where cottonwoods grow, salmon follow

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Sturgeon Bank — a stretch of the Fraser River delta located off the west coast of Richmond, British Columbia — has lost at least 160 hectares of tidal marsh habitat over the last three decades due to dredging, dikes, and other human interventions.

New study indicates that some algae blooms may adversely affect wild salmon

Just in time for World Algae Day Oct. 12, Pacific Salmon Foundation researchers publish a first-of-its-kind study that helps shed light on algae, the foundation of the marine food web. Tiny algae comprise the building blocks of the food web…

Shares for Salmon

As year-end approaches and you plan your charitable giving, now is the time to donate shares for salmon, and catch some tax savings. Your gift can help fund research to support salmon resiliency, benefit future scientists through bursaries,…

Drought effects: warm, dry streams impact salmon migrations

, , , Oct. 07, 2022 (updated with video October 17, 2022) Article written by Katrina Connors, Director of the Salmon Watersheds Program, Pacific Salmon Foundation This week, B.C.’s…

Donor Advised Funds: Giving back now and in the future

There are many ways to support the Pacific Salmon Foundation now and into the future. As donors start to examine how to most effectively manage their annual donations, some are turning to their local community foundation or investment management…

Celebrate the 2022 Adams River sockeye run Sockeye salmon return to the Adams River every fall to spawn. This year, millions of salmon are expected to return to the Adams as 2022 is a dominant year in the four-year sockeye…

Overview of Broughton Aquaculture Transition Initiative (BATI) program

Through the Broughton Aquaculture Transition Initiative (BATI) program, PSF is proud to work with several area First Nations as a partner, conducting regular monitoring in and around the active and de-commissioned open-pen net salmon farms. In…
sockeye salmon spawning in the Adams River

Where to see salmon spawning this fall

Born in freshwater rivers and streams, Pacific salmon migrate to the ocean where they spend several years feeding and growing, then return to their natal stream as spawning salmon to reproduce and die. On their upstream journey home, adult…
Upper Pitt River

Community Salmon Program accepting applications until Oct. 15

The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) is accepting applications to the Community Salmon Program from Sept. 1, 2022 through Oct. 15, 2022. The Community Salmon Program (CSP), launched in 1989, empowers volunteers, local streamkeepers, Indigenous…

PSF Community Bursaries Spotlight – Jessie Everson

The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) is accepting applications for the Stewardship Community Bursaries program until Oct. 30, 2022. Stewardship Community Bursaries are awarded each year to students in B.C. and the Yukon dedicated to the conservation…