2024 Knowledge Exchange Workshop
Nearshore Habitat Restoration
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January 31, 2024 ~ 9:00am – 3:30pm PST
DFO and PSF are pleased to provide an opportunity to share knowledge on practices and standards for nearshore salmon habitat restoration in the context of climate resilience from a diverse panel of researchers, scientists and field professionals working in the Pacific Region and beyond.
To watch the full workshop, click the video below.
(click on each title below to view the video, a brief description of the presentation, and the corresponding PowerPoint presentation)
Introduction and Welcome
Introduction and Welcome
Julian Gan: Nurseries of the sea: The value of estuaries for supporting resilient salmon populations
Nurseries of the sea: The value of estuaries for supporting resilient salmon populations
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Julian Gan, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Isobel Pearsall: Development of decision support tools for successful nearshore habitat restoration
PSF’s Restoration Hub: Development of decision support tools for successful nearshore habitat restoration
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Isobel Pearsall, Pacific Salmon Foundation
Jason Toft: Shoreline restoration effectiveness in the Salish Sea
Shoreline restoration effectiveness in the Salish Sea
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Jason Toft, Univ of Washington School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
Tom Reid: Enhancing estuary resilience: The implementation of a multi-metric monitoring tool to inform restoration actions
Enhancing estuary resilience: The implementation of a multi-metric monitoring tool to inform restoration actions
Power Point Presentation (pdf): to be added
Morning Session Panel Q&A
Eric Balke: Restoration for resilience: Tidal marsh restoration and coastal flood adaptation in the Fraser River Estuary
Restoration for resilience: Tidal marsh restoration and coastal flood adaptation in the Fraser River Estuary
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Eric Balke, Ducks Unlimited Canada
Todd Woodard: Incorporating cultural values and climate change in modern restoration projects: Samish Indian Nation beach restoration case study
Incorporating cultural values and climate change in modern restoration projects: Samish Indian Nation beach restoration case study
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Todd Woodard, Samish Indian Nation
Afternoon Panel Discussion