
Central Coast: Salmon in Crisis
Salmon StewardJennifer Walkus has been concerned about the collapse of salmon on the Central Coast of B.C. since the 1970s.
Both her father and grandfather worked in salmon management. Her father was the fisheries manager for Wuikinuxv Nation and her grandfather…

Percy Walkus Hatchery update
Salmon StewardAt the Percy Walkus Hatchery, People for Salmon work to help Chinook rebound. The hatchery, a unique model to conserve, restore, and enhance special salmon stocks in Rivers Inlet, B.C., is run by the Wuikinuxv Nation on the Central Coast in…

Do you have the will to help salmon in the future?
Salmon StewardOne of the most important documents that many people will sign in their life is their will. Yet, just over 50 per cent of Canadians have documented their estate plans.
These include ensuring their loved ones — including minor or adult children…

Former sawmill transforms into pristine salmon habitat
Salmon Steward
Kus-kus-sum is a former industrial sawmill site in the heart of a salmon migratory corridor of the K’ómoks Estuary. Located at the mouth of a critical estuary, the site was once a tidally influenced forested wetland and riparian area…

Fish wheels in the Fraser River: First Nations, PSF study salmon migration
Blog, Climate Adaptation SeriesTagging Fraser Chinook to identify salmon migration disruptions.
Fraser River Chinook salmon have experienced declines for many years. As a result, at least 15 of the 17 wild populations of Fraser Chinook are considered at-risk. Still, their…

Investigating Hatchery Effectiveness
BlogHatcheries were first built on the West Coast in Canada and the U.S. in the late 19th century. Salmon runs were already declining.
Today, hundreds of hatcheries pepper the Pacific Northwest's coasts and rivers. In British Columbia, hatcheries…

Salmon Health: Recent Studies Pack 1-2 Punch Against Open-net Salmon Farms
Blog, Salmon HealthSalmon Health Program poised for further advances thanks to North Family Foundation gift.
Two recent peer-reviewed papers out of PSF’s Salmon Health Program (successor to the Strategic Salmon Health Initiative) help shed light on the impact…