2024 Knowledge Exchange Workshop
Restoring Watershed Resilience
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November 14th, 2024 ~ 9:00am – 3:30pm PST
As climate change and land-use practices alter the disturbance regime of river corridors, there is growing awareness of the need to increase watershed resilience as part of Pacific salmon recovery efforts. This virtual workshop will bring together experts in watershed science to discuss habitat restoration approaches to increasing watershed resilience. Strategies for increasing the absorbing capacity of the watershed, restoring connectivity, project planning and implementation, and bridging project-scale actions to a watershed-scale response will all be discussed through practical case study examples and the most current science. Morning and afternoon panel discussions will invite participants to raise questions and discuss this important topic.
Watch the full workshop playlist on YouTube here or choose individual presentations in the agenda below.
(click on each title below to view the video, a brief description of the presentation, and the corresponding PowerPoint presentation)
Introduction and Welcome
Introduction and Welcome (This video includes the entire morning workshop, including an introduction, presentations and the morning panel discussion)
Ellen Wohl, Colorado State University: The Biophysical Template for River Corridor Resilience
The Biophysical Template for River Corridor Resilience
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Ellen Wohl, Colorado State University
Pete Bisson, US Forest Service (Ret.): Salmon Resilience Depends on Maintaining Diversity
Salmon Resilience Depends on Maintaining Diversity
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Pete Bisson, US Forest Service (Ret.)
Kris Fischer, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation: Rewetting the Sponge: Using the Umatilla Tribe’s River Vision to restore resilience in the Tucannon sub-basin
Rewetting the Sponge: Using the Umatilla Tribe’s River Vision to restore resilience in the Tucannon sub-basin
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Kris Fischer, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Nick Lapointe, Canadian Wildlife Federation: Watershed connectivity planning and restoration outcomes
Watershed connectivity planning and restoration outcomes
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Nick Lapointe, Canadian Wildlife Federation
Morning Panel Discussion
Mara Zimmerman, Coast Salmon Partnership & Foundation: An Index of Climate Resilience to Guide Salmon Habitat Protection and Restoration on Washington’s Coast
An Index of Climate Resilience to Guide Salmon Habitat Protection and Restoration on Washington’s Coast
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Mara Zimmerman, Coast Salmon Partnership & Foundation
Rachel Benbrook, Washington Dept of Natural Resources: Watershed Restoration and Resilience in the Context of Natural Resource Management: WA DNR’s Watershed Resilience Program
Watershed Restoration and Resilience in the Context of Natural Resource Management: WA DNR’s Watershed Resilience Program
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Rachel Benbrook, Washington Dept of Natural Resources
Devin Halcrow, Skeetchestn Natural Resources Corp.
Tsecmenúl̓ecwem-kt: The Deadman Recovery & Resiliency Initiative
Tsecmenúl̓ecwem-kt: The Deadman Recovery & Resiliency Initiative
Power Point Presentation (pdf):
Devin Halcrow, Skeetchestn Natural Resources Corp
Brenley Yuan, Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Tsecmenúl̓ecwem-kt: The Deadman Recovery & Resiliency Initiative
Tsecmenúl̓ecwem-kt: The Deadman Recovery & Resiliency Initiative
Power Point Presentation (pdf):
Brenley Yuan, Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Afternoon Panel Discussion