2025 Knowledge Exchange Workshop
Large Wood Applications in River Restoration
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February 13, 2025 9am – 3:30pm
DFO, PSF and Washington’s GSRO are pleased to bring together leading experts to present the latest science on wood dynamics and processes in rivers, as well as effective strategies for designing and implementing restoration projects using large wood in both streams and large rivers. Through informational talks and case studies, speakers will present technical details and monitoring results from large wood projects, provide the most current guidance on large wood restoration, and share valuable lessons learned.
Watch the full workshop playlist on YouTube here or choose individual presentations in the agenda below.
(click on each title below to view the video, a brief description of the presentation, and the corresponding PowerPoint presentation)
Introduction and Welcome
Introduction and Welcome
Tim Abbe, Natural Systems Design: Effective Use of Wood in River Restoration
Effective Use of Wood in River Restoration
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Tim Abbe, Natural Systems Design
Lindsie Fratus-Thomas, Nooksack Tribe Natural Resources: Nooksack River Restoration
Nooksack River Restoration
Tom Balfour, Redd Fish Restoration Society: hiłsyaqƛis: A Holistic Approach to Watershed Restoration
hiłsyaqƛis: A Holistic Approach to Watershed Restoration
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Tom Balfour, Redd Fish Restoration Society
Al Jonsson, Kerr Wood Leidal Associates: Wood: the Original Influencer
Wood: the Original Influencer
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Al Jonsson, Kerr Wood Leidal Associates
Morning Panel Discussion
Anna Marshall, University of Tennessee: Large Wood as a Driver and Feedback of River Corridor Spatial Heterogeneity
Large Wood as a Driver and Feedback of River Corridor Spatial Heterogeneity
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Anna Marshall, University of Tennessee
Allison Lutes (Chelan County) and Reid Camp (Cramer Fish Sciences): The Middle Entiat Project: Process-Based Restoration at the Reach Scale
The Middle Entiat Project: Process-Based Restoration at the Reach Scale
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Allison Lutes (Chelan County) and Reid Camp (Cramer Fish Sciences)
Derek Marks, Tulalip Tribes: Helicopter LWD – An Evolution in Cost-Effective Process-Based Restoration Approaches
Helicopter LWD – An Evolution in Cost-Effective Process-Based Restoration Approaches
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Derek Marks, Tulalip Tribes
Afternoon Panel Discussion