Top Post-Flood Priorities for Salmon

We need improved coordinated action for salmon after extreme flooding events impacted salmon habitat across southern British Columbia. We urge officials to address issues requiring immediate action and incorporate salmon conservation into the…

PSF perspective on the federal government’s fisheries mandate

We at PSF are delighted to hear that Joyce Murray, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, has confirmed the federal government’s commitment to phase out open-net pen fish farms from British Columbia by 2025. Our independent…

Students Across British Columbia Celebrate Salmon Through Art

The Pacific Salmon Foundation’s inaugural Kids Salmon Art Contest received more than 200 salmon-inspired art submissions from students across B.C. The students produced art pieces celebrating the incredible journey of Pacific salmon and raised…

Resilient Coasts for Salmon

Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Protecting coastal communities from ocean waves and erosion has traditionally involved hardening shorelines with structures like dykes, seawalls and jetties.…

Climate Action in the Community

How stewards across B.C. are putting your donations to work Our community partners are the resident experts in their local watersheds, and when it comes to climate change, they continue to lead the way in salmon recovery. Here’s how they’re…