Rivers Inlet Salmon Enhancement & The Percy Walkus Enhancement Facility

Established in 2016 the Percy Walkus Hatchery plays a key role in conserving salmon at Rivers Inlet in the Central Coast region of British Columbia. From 1981-1994 a small hatchery facility did exist in the area, but for over two decades the site stood idle. With significant support from private donors,  the Wuikinuxv First Nation, the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) and the Department of Fisheries and Ocean (DFO)’s Salmon Enhancement Program, the Percy Walkus facility was re-developed in the Wuikinuxv Village on the Wanukv (Wannock) River. The establishment of this site has enabled the repatriation of the enhancement of local salmon back to the Wuikinuxv First Nation.

Prior to the Percy Walkus hatchery, enhanced salmon stocks were cultured at Snootli Hatchery in Bella Coola. The new location in the Wuikinuxv Village enables quick access to Rivers Inlet, an area that includes the Kilbella and Chuckwalla Rivers, and the Wanukv River. Having a hatchery facility in such close proximity to these rivers has not only brought jobs to the community but enabled major strides in enhancing fish stocks in these rivers which are critical to BC’s sport fishing industry as well as the Wuikinuxv First Nation.