2024 Knowledge Exchange Workshop
Restoring Our Shores
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June 20th, 2024 ~ 9:00am – 3:30pm PST
DFO and PSF bring together experts in coastal science and restoration to present information on shoreline monitoring, armour removal strategies, and alternative nature-based protection options. With the increasing threat of climate change comes opportunity to improve shoreline protection practices that promote resilience for coastal communities by providing protective services as well as ecosystem benefits essential to Pacific salmon recovery. Through case studies and project examples, the panel of experts will share insights on the challenges and opportunities to restore these integral habitats.
To watch the full workshop, click the video below.
(click on each title below to view the video, a brief description of the presentation, and the corresponding PowerPoint presentation)
Introduction and Welcome
Introduction and Welcome
Morgan Tidd: Shoreline armour - Direct and indirect impacts affecting fish and fish habitat
Shoreline armour – Direct and indirect impacts affecting fish and fish habitat
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Morgan Tidd, DFO Restoration Centre of Expertise
Kyla Sheehan: Resilient Coasts for Salmon: Supporting coastal resilience with shoreline mapping
Resilient Coasts for Salmon: Supporting coastal resilience with shoreline mapping
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Kyla Sheehan, Pacific Salmon Foundation
Andrea MacLennan: Building nearshore resilience and avoiding armour
Building nearshore resilience and avoiding armour
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Andrea MacLennan, Herrera Inc
Lisa Kaufman: Naturalizing shorelines in the Salish Sea – Paths to Restoration
Naturalizing shorelines in the Salish Sea – Paths to Restoration
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Lisa Kaufman, NW Straits Foundation
Morning Panel Discussion
DG Blair: Using Green Shores to incentivize hard armour removal and implementation of Nature-Based Solutions
Using Green Shores to incentivize hard armour removal and implementation of Nature-Based Solutions
Power Point Presentation (pdf): DG Blair, Stewardship Centre for BC
Jason Morgan: Working with citizen scientists to study shoreline restoration effectiveness in the Salish Sea
Working with citizen scientists to study shoreline restoration effectiveness in the Salish Sea
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Jason Morgan, NW Straits Foundation
Andrew MacInnis: Shoreline restoration and regulatory review under the Fisheries Act
Shoreline restoration and regulatory review under the Fisheries Act
Power Point Presentation (pdf): Andrew MacInnis, DFO Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program
Afternoon Panel Discussion