Sekw’el’was Seton River Corridor – Habitat Enhancement & Restoration – Phase One

This project was undertaken to design a process and plan for conserving and restoring a significant riparian wildlife ecosystem within the Seton River watershed, for the benefit of salmon, and other species-at-risk. By bringing the many diverse…

Murray Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project

The Murray Creek project was designed to bring water stewardship planning to the resident farms and ranches adjacent to this important feeder stream to the Nechako River. In partnership with area ranchers, environmental farm planning programs…

Evaluation of restoration activities on the Horsefly River Riparian Conservation Area

This project had three separate, but related components. The first was to develop an evaluation and monitoring plan to assess past and present restoration on the Horsefly River Riparian Conservation Area (HRRCA), a 300 ha property owned and…

Streambank Stabilization at Key Locations on the Bonaparte River

Under the proposed project 8 high priority streambank and riparian area restoration sites were to be completed in the Bonaparte River Watershed. Improving fish habitat for coho and other salmonids at these key sites is the primary goal, but…

Bonaparte Watershed Streambank Restoration Project

In 2011 the FSWP funded a series of 4 high priority streambank restoration projects located on the Bonaparte River using standard bioengineering methods to provide streambank stability and improved instream fish and aquatic habitat features.…

Salmon Conservation in the Central Coast: Council Advisory 2001

The conservation status of chinook and coho salmon populations in the Central Coast has become a matter of growing concern to British Columbians....