Farmland Riparian – Interface Stewardship Program

The Farmland-Riparian Interface Program (FRISP) was established in 2004, and has been associated with over 200+ ranch and/or farm operations throughout BC with emphasis on the Fraser Basin drainage. The majority of projects have involved riparian…

Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival / Eagle Eye

Completed proof of concept with the central teaching story of Eagle Eye, refined the DVD, and facilitated easy use of the story.  Have launched a marketing plan to disseminate Eagle Eye throughout the basin and across the province. Accomplished…

Fraser Basin Salmon Ecosystem Project (Year 3)

This project aimed to understand interactions between spawning salmon and their ecosystems and translate this information into policy advice for conservation. We linked data from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) on salmon population sizes to…

Nicola Water Use Management Plan – Governance

Please note that the original application for funding was updated In July 2008 and the information below is taken from the revised proposal The purpose of the project was to provide information about what would be required from key partners…

Spawning Stories, Hatching Change

With “Spawning Stories, Hatching Change” we sought to take social marketing a step beyond the usual. Instead of developing and disseminating messages to an audience, we wanted to empower ordinary rural people to tell their own stories of…

Groundwater Habitat Interactions for Interior Fraser Coho

The four systems (Nicola, Coldwater, Deadman, Louis) being studied have a long history of critically high temperature regimes and low flows during the summer months. Results from past study years have established a foundational understanding…

Salmon River Watershed Restoration and Monitoring Project

The Salmon River Watershed Roundtable has been undertaking watershed planning and restoration activity for over 18 years. One objective within the Salmon River watershed plan identified in 1995 through a community driven, consensus planning…

Sea-to-Sky Greenbelt Initiative

Over the next 20 years, population in the Sea-to-Sky corridor is expected to double from 35,000 to nearly 70,000. Due to the fact that the communities in the corridor span two Regional Districts (Metro Vancouver and the SLRD), Provincial Crown…