Instream Habitat Restoration in mid-Nicola River

Lack of stable complex habitats is a significant limiting factor in the recovery of Interior Fraser coho (Endangered, COSEWIC), early timed spring chinook, and steelhead. The section of the Nicola River rehabilitated during this project had…

Streambank Stabilization at Key Locations in the Salmon River Watershed

Several hundred  individual restoration sites been undertaken  since the SRWR began developing  its watershed restoration partnerships in 1993 . These sites have incrementally contributed to a process of watershed restoration…

Sustainable Living Leadership Program (SLLP)

Under Education & Engagement, the SLLP recognized salmon as a high-valued public good and an indicator species for watershed health, providing emerging leaders with a direct experience of nature and promoting, inspiring and increasing community…

Hydrological Assessment of the Musqueam Cutthroat Creek Watershed

Through our Hydrological Assessment of the Musqueam Cutthroat Creek System our Streamkeepers, consultants and partnership agencies worked together to produce a State of the Watershed report. This report compiled and analyzed historic information,…

Watershed Communications

The Watershed Communications project was meant to increase information sharing within the community around issues, concerns, programs, opportunities for collaboration and local projects. The objectives were to provide information for better…

Three Rivers Join One Discovery Project

The Three Rivers Join One Discovery Project is an educational hands-on project that focuses on the four major watersheds of our area: Bridge, Seton, Cayoosh and Fraser. The project aim was to promote an understanding of watersheds and their…

Stewardship Works!

The Stewardship Centre for BC (SCBC) developed the Stewardship Works! program in order to increase the capacity of conservation and stewardship organizations in B.C. who are critical to conserving, protecting and restoring BC's fish, wildlife,…