Do We Make it Official? Recognizing Pacific Salmon as a BC Emblem

A report and recommendation to the Province of British Columbia on the designation of wild Pacific Salmon as a provincial emblem under the Provincial Symbols and Honours Act  July 2011 

Salmon River Watershed Restoration and Monitoring Project

The direct objective of the project was to complete an additional 22 riparian and streambank restoration sites to improve fish and fish habitat and promote human education, participation and behaviour change within the context of a long term,…

Coquitlam River Watershed Project – Phase III Governance and Strategy Development

Building on two previous phases involving background research, stakeholder engagement and visioning, this project involved an open dialogue with the many watershed interests about governance and models elsewhere, with the goal to developing…

System-wide DIDSON estimation of sockeye escapement in the Quesnel River system

The Quesnel River DIDSON project assessed the feasibility of using DIDSON technology in the Quesnel River to enumerate the total sockeye escapement to the Quesnel Lake system in 2010. The objectives included: Replicating the DIDSON enumeration…

Culturally Inclusive Watershed Education and Engagement Pilot Project

The project was designed to build capacity of people from culturally diverse backgrounds to be watershed champions and to enable behavior change to benefit salmon and watersheds. The project provided in-depth training and learning opportunities…