Building a River Community

In 2010/11 the Fraser River Salmon Table continued a body of work “To build a river community” that involves building collaboration among competing interests in the Fraser River salmon fishery amid region-wide changes that promote stewardship,…

Shuswap Lake Watershed & Foreshore Mapping Project

The Shuswap Lake Watershed & Foreshore Mapping Project uses orthophotos and video with GPS technology to create a digital inventory of habitat and land use conditions along the foreshore of Shuswap & Mara Lake. In addition to the final…

Water Wise: Water Conservation & Watershed Health Education

The Water Wise & Watershed Health program was designed to make use of all available mediums to educate and engage a wide range of people in conscious acts of water conservation. Radio & newspaper ads and articles, art exhibits, displays…

Xeni Gwet’in Chilko Roundtable Watershed Plan

The Xeni Gwet’in Chilko River Watershed Roundtable brings citizens together with government agencies to discuss watershed issues that maintain, protect and enhance salmon stocks in the Xeni Gwet’in Caretaker area and to develop a management…

2009 Request for Proposals

This Guide Includes: · An overview of the Fraser Salmon and Watersheds Program (FSWP); · Information on the FSWP 2009 project application and selection process; · Conceptual Proposal template for proposal submission · Contact details; and…

Three Rivers Join One Discovery Project

This was the second year of the Three Rivers Join One Discovery Project. Our goals were to promote an appreciation and sense of wonder for the environment and our local watersheds, pass on knowledge that would inspire people to take personal…