An Assessment of the Values and Effectiveness of 15 years of Streambank Stabilization and Riparian Restoration Activity in the Salmon River Watershed

Several hundred individual restoration sites have been undertaken on the Salmon River since the SRWR began developing its watershed restoration partnerships in 1993 . The assumption to date has been that completed restoration sites have incrementally…

Langley Thinks Salmon

Through the Langley Thinks Salmon project, LEPS engaged multiple sectors of the community by facilitating community engagement in, and responsibility for, stream and riparian protection, salmon conservation actions, and habitat restoration,…

Fraser Valley Youth Stewards Program

This project created a Youth Stewards Program, specifically targeted for youth aged 8-20, for training in various stewardship activities such as tree planting, invasive species removal, and salmon and amphibian monitoring. The objectives of…

Assessment of a live capture and tagging facility for salmon and steelhead below Mission and in the Fraser canyon.

The purpose of this project was to continue the development of lower river live capture, tagging and sampling facilities that would, in conjunction with catch monitoring and hydroacoustics, provide reliable species specific estimates of abundance…