Coldwater River Habitat Education and Awareness

The upper Coldwater River watershed is heavily impacted by campers during the months of May to Septmeber.  The Coldwater River is one of the most important systems in the Nicola River watershed for Interior Fraser coho (Endangered, COSEWIC),…

Implementation of the Chilliwack River Watershed Strategy: Awareness and Engagement of Decision-Making Institutions that Affect Watershed Conditions within the Chilliwack Valley

The need for watershed planning in the Chilliwack River Watershed came about due to the recognized desire by key individuals and agencies for improved information and collaboration in the watershed, a goal conveniently shared with the integrated…

Watershed Fish Based Sustainability Plan Year 2

The objective of the 2008-2009 WFSP planning project was to build upon progress made during year one (2007-08) in watershed planning (which focussed primarily on Stages II and III of the WFSP process) and continue in 2008 with Stage IV of the…

River Community Synergies: Advancing Integrated Fisheries Management

The Fraser River Salmon Table (the Salmon Table) continues work “To build a river community”, to engage a greater formal collaboration among the 4 key constituent interests (First Nations, sport fishers, commercial fishers and conservation…

Evaluation of restoration activities on the Horsefly River Riparian Conservation Area

This project had three separate, but related components. The first was to develop an evaluation and monitoring plan to assess past and present restoration on the Horsefly River Riparian Conservation Area (HRRCA), a 300 ha property owned and…

Development of An Implementation Strategy for Lower Fraser Coho Habitat Protection, Enhancement and Rehabilitation Projects Through Integrated Planning by First Nations

 The goal of this project was to identify the steps for First Nations organizations to be meaningfully involved in the restoration of lower Fraser River coho habitat. The specific objectives were: 1. To determine the framework and…