Salmon River Watershed Restoration and Monitoring Project

The direct objective of the project was to complete an additional 22 riparian and streambank restoration sites to improve fish and fish habitat and promote human education, participation and behaviour change within the context of a long term,…

Apple Springs Salmon Habitat Restoration Project for the Lower Bridge River

This 2-yr duration project constructed an off-channel salmon spawning and rearing channel in the Lower Bridge River. The project addressed the Habitat and Water Restoration and Stewardship priority activity of the FSWP. It was designed to mitigate…

Fraser Initiative – Phase I (Development)

Under Integrated Planning & Governance, the Fraser Initiative has enabled us to collaborate with 27 key Fraser River Basin conservation leaders on a collaborative Basin-wide effort to: inventory existing conservation efforts, develop a list…

Bonaparte Watershed Streambank Restoration Project

The objective of the project was to undertake between four and eight priority salmonid habitat restoration sites from a list of critically eroding Coho habitat locations especially where groundwater influx and fish utilization are known to occur.…