Continuing to Build a River Community

The lives and habitat of Fraser River salmon stocks are threatened in many serious ways. No one sector, public, private, or voluntary can resolve the issues that threaten the health and existence of the salmon species and their habitats within…

Northern Fraser Youth Capacity Building for Watershed Governance Initiative

The project was designed to build the capacity of youth from communities in the Northern Fraser region to participate and take a leadership role in raising the profile of salmon and watershed sustainability. The project engaged more than sixty…

River Manners – Public etiquette for a growing fishery

The “River Manners” Video project arose from the collision of an Indian drift-net and sport angling gear in the lower Fraser River, resulting in a violent confrontation. The conflict galvanized a simmering feud between these two fisheries…

Lower Fraser Coho Conservation and Enhancement Strategy and Action Plan Development

The LFCCEI initiated a collaborative working relationship between Municipalities, First Nations (FNs), Streamkeeper Groups (SGs) and Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) that is centered around the development and implementation of a long term strategy…

Powerhouse Foreshore Restoration Project – Visioning Sessions

The goal of the Visioning Sessions was to develop a feasibility study into the possibility of building a “green” Nature Interpretive Centre in Lillooet on the banks of the Fraser River - the site of the Powerhouse Restoration Project. The…