Indicators of Climate Change in British Columbia, 2002
Climate Change, Freshwater Ecosystems, Marine Ecosystem, River Temperature, Sea Surface TemperatureSummary Both the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the US National Academy of Science have concluded that the global atmosphere is warming. They agree, moreover, that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years can be…
Helping Pacific Salmon Survive the Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Habitats: Pursuing Proactive and Reactive Adaptation Strategies
Adaptation, Climate Change, Freshwater Ecosystems, Habitat Management, Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council, PRFCC, RestorationDescription For many generations in western Canada, five species of Pacific salmon have provided a defining role to native and non-native peoples. As a reflection of this cultural importance, there has been a long-standing tradition of communities…
IPCC, 2007: Summary for Policymakers
Climate Change, IPCCAbstract This Summary sets out the key policy-relevant findings of the Fourth Assessment of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Assessment is of current scientific understanding of the impacts of climate…
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective
Adaptation, Climate Change, Impacts, Strategy, VulnerabilitySummary There is strong consensus in the international scientific community that climate change is occurring and that the impacts are already being felt in some regions. It is also widely accepted that, even after introducing significant measures…
Climate overview 2007: Hydro-climatology and future climate impacts in British Columbia
Climate Change, Habitat, Hydrology, Water ManagementSummary The foundation for understanding the consequences of changing climate (temperature and precipitation) at a regional scale are water resources at the ground level; i.e. hydrology. This requires knowledge of the hydrological regime (rain,…
Workshop on the Cumulative Impacts on Salmon – February 17, 2012
Climate Change, Collaborative Decision-making, Cumulative Impacts, Habitat, Habitat Monitoring, Trade-offs, Work PlanWorkshop Purpose The purpose of the work planning session is to provide strategic direction to the Bulkley Valley Research Centre's "An integrated assessment of the cumulative impacts of climate change and industrial development on salmon in…
Priorities and Strategies for Canada’s Wild Pacific Salmon and Steelhead: Advisory Report of the Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council
Climate Change, Habitat, Himan Impacts, Management, Ocean Survival, Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council, PFRCC, Policy, Research, status assessmentDescription Over a period of eleven years the Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council has provided public information and offered strategic advice to ministers responsible for protecting and sustaining wild salmon and steelhead stocks…
Handbook of Physical, Chemical, Phytoplankton, and Zooplankton Data from Hecate Strait, Dixon Entrance, Goose Island Bank and Queen Charlotte Sound
Climate Change, Ecosystem, Habitat Trends, Marine Conditions, Nutrients, Physical Environment, Sea Surface Temperature, SST, UpwellingAbstract This report summarizes physical and lower trophic level data collected in Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound. The purpose is to: 1) organize those portions of the physical, water chemistry, phytoplankton, and zooplankton data base…
Climate effects on pacific salmon in the ocean – creating a canadian focus
Climate Change, Climate Effects, Marine Changes, Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council, PFRCCDescription The first part of this report reviews literature on Pacific salmon. The following themes have emerged; carrying capacity: bottom-up control; fisheries and predation: top-down control; the influence of salmon hatcheries; the effects…
Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerabilities in Canada’s Pacific Marine Ecosystems
Adaptation, Climate Change, Marine Ecosystems, Review, Synthesis, Vulnerability AssessmentSummary Canada's Pacific marine ecosystems, which lie adjacent to the coast of British Columbia, are rich, extraordinarily productive, and highly textured with conditions that vary considerably on different scales of time and space. This marine…
Canada’s State of the Oceans Report, 2012
Climate Change, Hypoxia, Marine Ecosystems, Ocean Acidification, Strategy 3Summary Introduction The Centre of Expertise on State of the Oceans Reporting created this national report for the final stage of the Health of the Oceans Initiative (HOTO) under which it was first funded. It consists of highlights from the…
Helping Pacific Salmon Survive the Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Habitats: Case Studies: Perspectives from the Okanagan, Quesnel, Nicola, Cowichan, Nass, and Englishman River Watersheds
Adaptation, Case Study, Climate Change, Freshwater Ecosystems, Habitat Management, Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council, PRFCC, RestorationDescription The purpose of this report and companion document, "Helping Pacific salmon survive the impact of climate change on freshwater habitats: Pursuing proactive and reactive adaptation strategies"6 is to facilitate thinking and planning…