Commercial Fisheries Catch Statistics

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Description A website page containing links to historical catch data on the commercial Pacific salmon fishery, including: Commercial Salmon Catch Statistics by Year (provided by Fisheries Management): 2001 to present Salmon Catch Monitoring…

Revisions to the official DFO commercial Pacific Salmon catch estimates for 1996-2004

Summary Commercial salmon catch estimates, for the entire Pacific Region from 1996 to 2004, have been revised, using all available data sources. Revised estimates have been endorsed as "Final" by area authorities. Revised estimates are compared…

Steelhead Bycatch and Mortalities in the Commercial Skeena Net Fisheries of British Columbia from Observer Data: 1989 to 2009

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"This report provides a chronological summary of a number of multi-faceted observer/monitoring programs that were conducted in the commercial approach fisheries to the Skeena River (primarily gillnet and seine fisheries in Areas 3 and 4) spanning…

An exploratory investigation on possible approaches used to minimize terminal fishery impacts on the Skeena River steelhead population

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This report investigates the utility of using a numerical simulation model to identify the frequency, timing and magnitude of fishery openings that can protect 80% of the steelhead run from terminal fishing impacts, with 90% certainty, while…

Economic Dimensions of Skeena Watershed Salmonid Fisheries

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This report provides an economic snapshot of contemporary fisheries for Skeena salmon and steelhead, including aboriginal, commercial, and sport fisheries. The focus of the economic study is to: (1) gain a comprehensive understanding of the…