Fraser Salmon Legacy Project

… creative integration of technology and people to protect the greatest salmon river in the world.

Nicola Naturalized Flows and Pine Beetle Risk Assessment

This project is part of a larger initiative that includes the Nicola Water Use Management Plan (WUMP) including First Nations and funding through the Pacific Salmon Commission and Habitat Conservation Trust Fund to develop instream flow requirements…

Monitoring and Compliance Panel

The Integrated Salmon Dialogue Forum Monitoring and Compliance Panel has functioned in the last year primarily to Promote an understanding of, and confidence in, fisheries monitoring and compliance practices within all sectors and the public.…

Creating a Watershed Wise Community (year 1)

Creating a “Watershed Wise” community has satisfied the FSWP priority of supporting “Community Awareness and Education” through contributing to the development of an ecologically literate populace that has begun to have a defined sense…

Protecting Salmon Habitat From Aliens

The “Protecting Salmon and Habitat from Aliens” project aimed to reduce the impacts of aquatic invasive plants on salmon habitat in key watersheds in BC as has been separated into two phases: Phase 1 – information gathering and resource…

Capture of sampling data submitted as condition of scientific licence.

In 2008, DFO added a licencing condition requiring submission of fish sampling data to the BC Ministry of Environment (MoE) Fish Data Submission system (forms and instructions at: for freshwater scientific…

Xeni Gwet’in Chilko Roundtable Watershed Plan

The Xeni Gwet’in Chilko River Watershed Roundtable brings together leadership and residents of the Xeni Gwet’in Caretaker Area with government representatives to discuss watershed issues that affect salmon runs in their area. In September…