Future of the Fraser Salmon
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/ATo understand the changes to watershed shed and impacts to wild Salmon and Stó:l? First Nations , and contributing factors We met with community members over the period of 8 months the purpose of these meeting was to develop a community understanding…
Survival and Timing of Sockeye Returns to the Fraser River Assessed using Fishwheels, Radiotelemetry and Additional Monitoring of In-river Fisheries, 2010
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/AStrategy Clinic & Fundraising Training
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/AEnabling regional success in behaviour change via two workshops: Strategy Clinic & Fundraising Training
Assessment of the in-river survival, migration rates and fishery impacts on spring-run Chinook salmon and summer-run sockeye stocks using radio-telemetry and near-shore species composition in the lower Fraser River using fishwheels.
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/AIn recent years, the Mission hydroacoustic program has been met with criticism, and errors have been attributed to biased species composition estimates from nearby test-fisheries, which result in incorrect partitioning of the acoustics signals…
Lower Fraser River Sockeye Recreational Hook and Release Mortality Study
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/APreliminary Investigations into Short-term Hooking Mortality of Sockeye Caught and Released at Grassy Bar, Fraser River, British Columbia, 2008
Shuswap Lake Watershed & Foreshore Mapping Project
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/AThe Shuswap Lake Watershed & Foreshore Mapping Project uses orthophotos and video with GPS technology to create a digital inventory of habitat and land use conditions along the foreshore of Shuswap & Mara Lake. In addition to the final…
The Use of Groundwater Upwelling Areas by Interior Fraser Coho
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/ASummer water temperatures in the Southern Interior region of British Columbia frequently approach or exceed the upper thermal limits of salmonids and there is concern for the sustained existence of many populations. This study investigated the…
Watershed Assessment and Evaluation Decision Support Tool, Fraser Basin Pilot
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/AThe Watershed Evaluation and Decision Support Tool project focused on the development of data and technical models needed to support the assessment of threats to aquatic values, and the analysis of alternative management scenarios in order to…
Evaluation of restoration activities on the Horsefly River Riparian Conservation Area
Fraser Salmon Watershed Program N/AThis project had three separate, but related components. The first was to develop an evaluation and monitoring plan to assess past and present restoration on the Horsefly River Riparian Conservation Area (HRRCA), a 300 ha property owned and…