Assessment of the Canadian and Alaskan sockeye stocks harvested in the northern boundary fisheries using run reconstruction techniques, 1982 – 2001
Alaskan Sockeye Stocks, Northern Boundary Fisheries, Run ReconstructionAbstract Detailed information on the catch, escapement, migration timing and behaviour of northern boundary sockeye salmon stocks has been obtained through national and international studies conducted over the past 20 years. The Northern Boundary…
Assessment of Sockeye and Pink Salmon stocks in the northern boundary area using run reconstruction techniques, 1982 – 95
Escapement Estimates, Northern Boundary Fisheries, Run ReconstructionAbstract A multi-time-period method of stock reconstruction was used to estimate harvest and stock interception rates by area and time period, exploitation rates and total run size by stock. The data required for these reconstructions were catch…