An Upstream Battle: declines in 10 Pacific salmon stocks and solutions for their survival

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Executive Summary This report profiles the current status and trends of 10 examples of salmon stocks in British Columbia that are considered to be in a severe state of decline. (There are many others.) These stocks were selected because they…

Recovering Lakelse Lake Sockeye Salmon: Lakelse Lake Sockeye Recovery Plan (LLSRP)

Summary Sockeye escapements to Lakelse Lake have been low in recent years and appear to be depressed relative to historic levels. Based on the last 12 years of visual escapement surveys for Lakelse Lake (1992-2003), the Lakelse Lake sockeye…

Federal and state approaches to salmon recovery at the millenium

Summary "In this chapter, we describe the recent federal stance on restructuring the Columbia River federal hydroelectric system to aid salmonid recovery actions as outlined in the National Marine Fisheries Service's 2000 Biological Opinion…