“Green” hydro power: understanding impacts, approvals, and sustainability of run-of river independent power projects in British Columbia
Cumulative Impacts, Environmental Assessment, Habitat, Hydroelectric, IPP, public consultation, Run-of-River, Water ManagementSummary Since 2002, the provincial government has required that new sources of electricity come from the private sector. The most popular type of power project now being developed is "run-of-river" hydropower. Large numbers of these projects…
Review of Long-term Monitoring Protocols for New and Upgraded Hydroelectric Projects in British Columbia and Yukon Territory; June 20-21, 2011.
Environmental Assessment, Habitat Monitoring, Hydroelectric, IPP, Run-of-RiverSummary Small hydro development proposals represent the largest number of referrals by sector to the Habitat Management Program in Pacific Region (British Columbia and Yukon Territory). Standardized monitoring methodologies are required…