State of Salmon Conservation in the Central Coast Area: Background Paper
PFRCC Habitat ReportAreas 6-10 of British Columbia's Central Coast, provides a good measure of the current state of domestic stocks and their management.
Conflicts Between Agriculture and Salmon in the Eastern Fraser Valley
PFRCC Habitat ReportAgriculture operations in the eastern Fraser Valley have resulted in substantial reductions in stream, wetland and riparian areas. The current intensification of agriculture operations continues to reduce aquatic habitat and put the area’s…
Sand and Gravel Management and Fish-Habitat Protection in British Columbia Salmon and Steelhead Steams
PFRCC Habitat ReportSand, gravel and other sediments within and adjacnt to spawning and rearing streambeds are fundamental to the productivity of salmon and steelhead stocks. The high levels of production formerly seen in many of British Columbia's chum, pink and…
Reality Stewardship Survival of the Fittest for Community Salmon Groups
PFRCC Habitat ReportReport commissioned by the PFRCC and the Vancouver Foundation. Given funding cuts from government he report recommends strategies to survive including a focus on activities that will appeal to private donors and foundations. Projects are suggested…
Making Sense of the Debate about Hatchery Impacts: Interactions Between Enhanced and Wild Salmon on Canada’s Pacific Coast
PFRCC Habitat ReportReport commissioned by the PFRCC. This report set out the various positions that had been expressed by scientists and others, with a focus on potential harmful interactions between enhanced and wild salmon. It explores the opinions and arguments…
Freshwater Habitat
PFRCC Habitat Report(Background paper by Mark Angelo and Marvin Rosenau, June 1999) Abstract: Salmon and steelhead habitats in BC are almost as varied as the province's geography.
Saving the Heart of the Fraser: Addressing Human Impacts to the Aquatic Ecosystem of the Fraser River, Hope to Mission, BC
PFRCC Habitat ReportThe Heart of the Fraser is the gravel reach extending from Mission to Hope and with its complex system of islands, gravel bars and vegetation, supports an amazing array of life. This includes a spawning run of the more than ten million pink…
Landscape-Level Impacts to Salmon and Steelhead Stream Habitats in British Columbia
PFRCC Habitat ReportThe extent to which fish habitats are impacted by human activities at the landscape level is now being assessed and studied by fisheries scientists around the world. While there have been extensive efforts to protect and restore fish habitats…
Strait of Georgia Biodiversity in Relation to Bull Kelp Abundance
PFRCC Habitat ReportPacific Marine Life Surveys Incorporated (PMLS) has a unique database for Pacific Northwest marine life that includes seaweed identifications from 1983 on. Included in this database is dive log data for the Strait of Georgia, comprising some…
Applying the Salmon Stronghold Concept in Canada
PFRCC Habitat ReportThe idea underlying Salmon Strongholds is to ensure thriving fish habitat conditions where it is most crucial to maintain the abundance, productivity and diversity of wild Pacific salmon species and populations. It emphasizes the prevention…
Water Use Planning: A Tool to Restore Salmon and Steelhead Habitat in British Columbia Streams
PFRCC Habitat ReportCurrently, many western North Amercian heritage plants and animals are being lost due to careless use of water and this cannot be rectified until they attain preferred status for access to this important life-giving resource. Salmon and steelhead…
Perspectives on Salmon Enhancement and Hatcheries: What the Council Heard
PFRCC Habitat ReportThis report summarizes what the Council heard during public meetings, one-on-one meetings with stakeholders and via written submissions related to the subject of salmon hatcheries. British Columbians believe that salmon hatcheries and enhancement…