Principles for the conservation of wild living resources
Biodiversity, Communication, Conservation, Consumption, economics, Resource Use, Socioeconomics, SustainabilityAbstract We describe broadly applicable principles for the conservation of wild living resources and mechanisms for their implementation. These principles were engendered from three starting points. First, a set of principles for the conservation…
A New Direction for Canada’s Pacific Salmon Fisheries
Conservation, First Nations, Fisheries Management, Recreational And Commercial FisheriesSummary In British Columbia, salmon serve as food for First Nations and are a source of their cultural identity; they provide jobs and income for Canadians, businesses and coastal communities; they provide recreation and enhance our quality…
Conserving Lakelse Fish Populations and their Habitat
Conservation, Habitat, Stewardship, sustainability planThe World Summit on Salmon: Proceedings
Conservation, fisheries, Policy, ThreatsSummary The World Summit on Salmon evolved in response to growing concerns of scientists and others about the future of the salmon stocks of the world, in light of the recent collapses of a number of the fish stocks globally, including Canada's…
Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future
Brundtland, Conservation, Environmental Protection, Inter-generational Equity, Sustainable DevelopmentSummary Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland report, was published in 1987 as the outcome of the work of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). The report focuses on sustainable development and addresses different…
A Policy for Selective Fishing in Canada’s Pacific Fisheries
Conservation, First Nations, Recreational And Commercial Fisheries, Selective FishingSummary Because different species and stocks often mingle in the open ocean and river fisheries, fishers seeking stocks in greater abundance regularly catch less abundant or threatened fish stocks, marine mammals and seabirds. Even a ban on…
An evaluation of the effects of conservation and fishery enhancement hatcheries on wild populations of salmon
Conservation, economics, fishery enhancement, Risk, wild salmonAbstract The historical, political and scientific aspects of salmon hatchery programmes designed to enhance fishery production, or to recover endangered populations, are reviewed. We start by pointing out that the establishment of hatcheries…
Toward a definition of conservation principles for fisheries management
Biological Objectives, Conservation, Fish Stock ManagementAbstract Conservation, like beauty, is clearly in the eye of the beholder. The lack of a clear definition of what is meant by the term conservation, however, may encourage misconceptions about the degree to which biological objectives can be…
Toward a definition of conservation principles for fisheries management
Biological Objectives, Conservation, Fish Stock ManagementAbstract Conservation, like beauty, is clearly in the eye of the beholder. The lack of a clear definition of what is meant by the term conservation, however, may encourage misconceptions about the degree to which biological objectives can be…